The Friend

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Gorgeous. The only word running through Presley's mind like a rabbit on red bull, as he gazed at his best friend running around the grand ballroom they found. She was dancing around with the large war hammer she had found in the armery, acting as if it was another person. She giggled and laughed with herself as she twirled and dipped and nearly tripped over her own feet. He smiled at her before pausing. He shook the thoughts from his head and tried to think of something else. He hadn't gotten far in this process when he heard steps. He looked up to see Ebbie standing above him. She had a goofy smile on her face and her eyes glinted mischievously. "What?" Presley asked. "Come on we're gonna battle." She presented a hand. Presley was a simple man. If his best friend wanted to do something he'd weigh the Pros and Cons. He stared at her hand thinking of all the ways this could go wrong. But then he looked into her eyes. Those eyes... 

"Fine." he accepted. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the middle of the floor. He picked up his sword from the floor it had been gently placed upon when he sat down. Ebbie assumed a battle stance and smirked. Presley assumed a relaxed stance and held his sword gently but tightly. "On the count of 3, we go. Ready?" No. He thought to himself as he started to worry again. He knew he shouldn't have agreed to this. But it's too late now. He let out a breath. "Yea," he braced himself. "1," Ebbie started. "2," Presley continued. The two made eye contact and it was quieter than a lonely cave. You could almost hear their breathing. "3!" The pair shouted in sync, Ebbie raced towards him and raised the hammer before sending it crashing down. Presley raised the sword on its side to block her. They stayed there for a second. Ebbie pressed the hammer down and Presley shifted his footing to try and become more stable before pushing her away. She swung again and they clashed. This went on for a while as they danced across the floor. Presley noticed that she was starting to get tired. He started a plan of tiring her out but before he could put it into place, his sword was knocked out of his hand. A swing of the hammer's head sent him flying backward. Presley landed on the floor and looked up, to be met with the hammer's head once again. He was shocked. He looked up above the hammer and locked eyes with Ebbie. Her expression was different. Not one of victory or joy. Not even of smugness. It was blank and overly serious. A flicker behind her pupils, something...sinister. Gone as quickly as it came. "Ebbie?" he asked, now a bit worried. Suddenly she snapped right out of whatever spell had ahold of her a second ago. "You alright?" she asked, reaching out a hand to him, putting the large hammer behind her. He grabbed her hand and was surprised when she pulled him up with ease. He looked up at her and she smiled, "Maybe thats enough roughhousing huh?" she pat his shoulder and set the hammer against the wall. "Yea. Let's find something else." Presley went and picked up his sword and placed it beside the hammer. The two walked ot the room and into the hallway, looking for something else to have fun in. 

Back at the house...

Ebony sat in her room as a tall brown-skinned woman paced across the carpeted floor. "And we're sure it's the same castle?" She asked. Ebony slowly nodded, "The girls said it looked exactly like it." She sighed and looked up at the woman. "Valentina, what do we do? what if Emmet really is back and takes the kids from us?" "My sister in soul, he will never take our babies from us. Ebbie is a strong-willed girl and knows right from wrong, and if I know anything about my son I'm sure he'll do whatever she does." Ebony nodded "Presley sure does follow her in everything she does." Valentina smiled and sat beside her best friend, "Remember when they both tried to dye their hair?" Ebony chuckled and looked at the floor with a soft smile. "Almost got rid of all their hair. Took weeks for it to get back to normal." The two of them laughed and sighed. Ebony's smile faded as she continued to think of what could happen to her oldest. Valentina took notice and wrapped an arm around her, causing Ebony to lean her head on her shoulder. Valentina rested her head on top of Ebony's and whispered to her that it would be ok. Meanwhile, the rest of the girls sat and wondered...

About their Father,

The king...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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