🦇🐉 Diasomnia 🐉💤⚡️

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🐉 Malleus Draconia Information 🐉
Age: ???
Birthday: January 18 [Capricorn]
Homeland: Briar Valley
Height: 202 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Family: Lilia Vanrouge (guardian), Maleficia Draconia (grandmother)
Personality: Despite enjoying time alone, away from his concerned and watchful attendants in exploring abandoned buildings, Malleus shows signs of loneliness and a desire to connect normally with others. He is also said to have a naïve and childish side to him, as he grew up isolated from the outside world in Briar Valley.
Hobbies: Exploring ruins
Pet Peeve: Using technology
Favorite Food: Ice cream
Least Favorite Food: Full - sized cakes
Talent: Stringed instruments
Grade: Junior
Class: Class D (No. 6)
Club: Gargoyle Studies Club
Best Subject: Protection
Pokémon: 3
Dratini (F) (name Ryoko)
Deino (M) (name Tatsu)
Zygrade [core form] (name Squishy)

🦇 Lilia Vanrouge Information 🦇
Age: ???
Birthday: January 1 [ Capricorn]
Homeland: Briar Valley
Height: 158 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Family: Silver (adopted son)
Personality: Is easygoing and friendly with most of the students. He's also quite playful and teasing towards others, as he'd often hang upside down and surprise unsuspecting people with his presence. Due to his age, Lilia is wise and experienced, often giving advices to others.
Hobbies: Traveling alone
Pet Peeve: Looking for things
Favorite Food: Tomato juice
Least Favorite Food: Marshmallow
Talent: Babysitting
Grade: Junior
Class: Class E (No. 30)
Club: Pop Music Club
Best Subject: History of Magic
Pokémon: 2
Noibat (M) (name Akuma)
Gulpin (M) (name Ko - ume)

🤺 Silver Information 🤺
Age: 17
Birthday: May 15 [Turus]
Homeland: Briar Valley
Height: 176 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Family: Lilia Vanrouge
Personality: Is a serious and reserved person who rarely has intense reactions and is diligent in whatever he does. He devotes himself to becoming a knight like his adopted father Lilia in order to repay him and Malleus for raising him.
Hobbies: Training
Pet Peeve: Idleness
Favorite Food: Mushroom risotto
Least Favorite Food: Lilia's cooking
Talent: Swordsmanship
Grade: Sophomore
Class: Class A (No. 22)
Club: Equestrian Club
Best Subject: Physical Training
Pokémon: 2
Komala (F) (name Kumo)
Honedge (M) (name Tsurugi)

⚡️ Sebek Zigvolt Information ⚡️
Age: 16
Birthday: March 17 [Pisces]
Homeland: Briar Valley
Height: 188 cm
Dominant Hand: Left
Family: Unnamed Grandfather, Mother, Father, Older Brother, and Older Sister
Personality: Is loud, hot-blooded, and prideful. Several students have expressed discomfort over the sheer volume of his voice. Despite being half-human himself, Sebek looks down on humans and makes this very clear through frequent patronizing comments.
Hobbies: Helping Malleus, reading
Pet Peeve: Malleus being stymied, whining
Favorite Food: Salmon carpaccio
Least Favorite Food: Black coffee
Talent: Martial arts
Grade: Freshman
Class: Class D (No. 33)
Club: Equestrian Club
Best Subject: Enigmics
Pokémon: 1
Yamper (F) (name Arashi)
Well I'm lazy 🫠

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