The Disappearence of Alison Dilaurentis

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The "A" messages didn't stop and mona was still sending Ali scary gifs and we have our own lairs now. One in a trailer and one in the lost woods resort right now me and mona was at hers watching mean girls.

A notification popped up on my phone and it said that Alison Dilaurentis has gone missing

"Whoah." I said as I got up and sat on my bed

"What?" Mona asked

"15 year old Alison Dilaurentis has gone missing after partying with her friends tonight."i read

"Good." Mona said

"Do you think it's connected with what happened with Jenna?" I asked her

"No. A tingly feeling in my tummy tells me what happened with jenna was alisons and the girls doing." Mona said and I nodded

"Let's go for a drive." I said

"Where to?" She asked

"Anywhere." I said with a shrug

"Yeah let's go." She said

We both got into my car driving around until we both saw a blonde girl.

"Wait is that?--" I said but cut myself off

"Alison?" Mona asked  as I stopped the car

Alison seemed to be a lot dazed and turned her head slowly and looked at us amd her head was bleeding

"Oh, my god. Are you okay?" Mona asked her

"Alison get in." I said and she slightly nodded not wanting to fight.

"Where are we gonna take you? To the hospital?" Mona said

"No." Alison said in a soft voice

"Do you want to go home?" I asked her

She shook her head

"No. Take me to the lost woods resort." She replied

Me and mona looked at each other unsure because that's where our other lair is.

Without answering her I turn forward and started to drive towards the lost woods resort.

"Mona go book us in but us a fake name. The owner can't know about Alison." I told mona and she nodded

"Use the name Vivian darkbloom, mona." Alison spoke up

Mona nodded again going out the car to the office.

"Why don't you want to go home Alison?" I asked her turning my body to the back seat

"Because I'm scared." She whispered

"Of who?" I asked her in my most sweet voice.

"I don't know." She said and mona came back and we helped Alison inside and sat her down

Mona went to wet the cloth and then she returned gently putting it on her head where the blood was.

"What happened Ali why is there blood on your forehead?" I asked her

"I walked home, my mom saw me at the window and the next thing I know I was hit on the head by someone and I woke up to myself being under ground while my mother was putting mud on me. She buried me alive." She said to us

Me and mona looked at each other.

"I still can't believe someone tried to kill you." Mona said also in her sweet voice

"Do you think it was the person who you're scared of?" I asked her

"Maybe, and it's not just a person it's people. Two people." Alison said and me and mona tried our bests to not look at each other."nobody followed us, right?" Alison asked turning to the door. She then looked back at me."they can't know that we're here." She said

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