Part 7- Wildflower

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I wriggle around on MJ's couch trying to get comfortable as she picks a movie just like every Friday night since we met. MJ is highly unimpressed by my lack of pop culture knowledge, which she is the self proclaimed queen of. In my defense, I haven't watched many movies since living with the Bartons, and what I had seen were wildly inaccurate high school movies, and an array of children's films. Prior to that, every movie I had seen was so heavily edited with propaganda you wouldn't even recognize anything but the characters, and even then I hadn't been permitted to watch anything since I was about 9. I enjoy watching them the way they were created and in my own leisure more than the way they were forced upon me as a child.

MJ said this movie was a must see, just like all the other ones we've watched since I met her.
"How come every movie we've watched has come out in the 80's?" I ask.
"Because it was the golden age of cinema." MJ tells me, "Besides, we'll move on eventually."
I sigh "what's this one?"
"It's called The Princess Bride, a true classic."
"Sounds kind of lame."
"I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that."

"Can I grab some water before we start?" I ask
"Yeah, I think there are some bottles on the counter."
I nod and head off to the kitchen where there is all kinds of drinks on the counter.
Must've just gone grocery shopping.

A dull buzzing sound comes from the other room.
"Your phone is ringing!" MJ yells.
"Can you see who it is?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was your secretary."
"I swear-"
"It's Peter." She calls
Why is he calling?
MJ laughs, "I'm going to answer it!"
"Michelle Jones!"

I hear the whooshing sound of a call being answered and spring over the couch next to MJ.
"Sup loser." MJ says holding the phone close to her face.
"Oh....hey MJ. Is Y/n there?"
"I wanted to talk about the English essay with her. Mrs. Stein said she's a good writer." He says slowly.
MJ wiggles her eyebrows at the camera.
"It's not like that." He argues.
"Gimme that." I say snatching the phone out of her hands.
Peter's face lights up, "hey Y/n."
"Hey Peter, can I call you back when I get home tomorrow?" I ask brightly.
He scratches behind his ear, "Yeah, of course."
I'm in, we're friends, I think.

He hangs up and MJ laughs, "He has a huge crush on you."
He wouldn't if he knew. He won't if he gets close.
I roll my eyes, "can we just watch the movie."
"At least we know he has good taste."
"You are relentless."
She nods, "it's my forte."


"You busy after school today?" Peter asks while he waits for me to gather the books from my locker.
Third period English is one of the few classes we don't have with MJ and Ned, and Peter has finically gotten comfortable enough to wait at my locker with me. I'll never understand this boy's absolute refusal to use his backpack.
I mentally scan my schedule, "I don't think so, why?"
"Can you help me write that essay I was talking about last week?"
"I can try, but I'm not a very good writer."
"Right, because that's why Mrs. Stein never stops talking about your work."

"Maybe it's my winning personality." I kid, "or that fact that the majority of our class is stupid."
Peter chuckles, "what was that about a winning personality?"
I give him a light shove, "I don't mean you're stupid. you get all A's in her class without myhelp."
He shrugs, "there's always room for improvement."
"Seems like you're hypercritical of yourself."
"Or maybe I just want to spend a little more time with you."
I try not to let the shock show on my face, but I feel my jaw hang slightly agape.
"Not in a weird way." He adds quickly, "I just think you're a friend way of course."

I chuckle and Peter smiles sheepishly.
"Where do you want to meet tonight?" I ask him.
"The park, or you could come to my apartment, but my aunt May can be a little much sometimes."
I shrug, "we can decide at lunch."
"I think I could use some help on my social skills too." He kids.
I sigh dramatically, "I guess Duolingo can't teach you everything, can it?"
Peter shakes his head, "They send me so many emails."
"Maybe stop skipping your lessons."
"I'm not trying to learn German from a demonic green owl."
"Ok ok." I say through the laughter, "we actually have to get to class, or I won't be Mrs. Stein's favorite for long."
"That was my plan all along."
"Wow, vindictive today. Spending time with MJ?"
He continues to laugh, "That's a level I think you have to be born with."
"She'd be so proud to hear you speak so highly of her."
"She would in fact take that as a compliment."
"I know, she's the best."

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