~ Chapter 1 ~

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It was a sunny afternoon and josé was walking through the hallway of the dressing rooms him and the gang were staying at for awhile, when josé heard small sniffs and tiny cries. "Huh?" josé said in his mind. The sound was coming from peanut's room..he walked to the door, knocked then opened the door ever so gently. "Sénor?..Everything okay in here?" José asked. Peanut forced his tears to stop and wiped his face, keeping his attention away from josé, "I'm fine!" he said with a small sniff. José closed his door behind him and stepped into peanuts room. "Why are you crying?" josé asked raising a brow slowly. "is it because I'm leaving the show?" Meanwhile Url was walking past peanuts room, texting of course..but he was listening to their conversation. "YES!" Peanut yelled. "What about everyone else?! Do you only think of yourself?" He added. "listen sénor-.." José said but was stopped by peanut mid sentence. "NO YOU LISTEN 'SÈNOR'!" Peanut turned around and glared at josé. "What about me..or Achmed.? Or walter or Url or bubba?! Or the rest!?" peanut poked at him while still glaring at him. "Other then Url. I don't think no one else would care." José replied feeling ever so slightly uncomfortable.

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