Chapter 1: The Goodbye

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I sat in my room, my nose buried in a book when I heard my parents calling me. They sounded serious, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Something was wrong. I set the book down on my bed and slowly made my way to the living room.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" I asked tentatively.

My parents were sitting on the couch, looking grim. My mom took a deep breath before speaking. "Liz, we need to talk to you about something. It's not easy for us to say, but your father and I are getting a divorce."

My heart sank. "What? Why?" I asked, feeling like my world was collapsing around me.

"I'm sorry, Liz," my mother said, her voice soft. "We've been trying to work things out, but it's just not possible."

I didn't know what to say. My mind was racing with a million questions, but my throat felt tight, and I couldn't find my voice.

My father spoke up, "We've also decided to send you to Belford Academy, Liz. We think it's best for you to have some time away from the situation, and the school is a prestigious institution that will give you a good education and discipline."

My heart sank even further at the mention of the school's name. Belford Academy was one of the most exclusive boarding schools for girls in the country, known for its rigorous academic programs and strict rules. It was located in a secluded area deep in the woods, and rumors had it that strange things happened there. "But I don't want to go to boarding school!" I protested.

"I know this is difficult, Liz," my mom said. "But we think it's for the best."

"I don't care what you think is best!" I snapped. "Why can't I just stay here with you?"

"We're sorry, Liz," my dad said. "But this is the decision we've made."

I retreated to my room, feeling helpless and alone. My mind was racing with questions and fears. What would Belford Academy be like? Would I fit in? Would I make any friends? And what about my parents? How could they do this to me?

As I packed my bags and prepared to leave for Belford Academy, I resolved to make the best of it. I would keep my head down, study hard, and get through it. But deep down, I knew that I was going to rebel. I wasn't going to let Belford Academy crush my spirit.

The Cursed Legacy (Belford Academy Chronicles #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن