Chapter 8

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-Here's the awaited chapter! Happy Valentine's day!-

















"ACHOO!" (Y/n) sniffed, wiping her nose with a handkerchief. "My~ Seems like someone's talking about me."

Ciel glanced at her, slightly raising a brow at the woman. 'How could she even know that?'

Sebastian just spared them a glance, already having a hunch of what his master is thinking. Ciel was looking sceptical while the other seems more chill with an eerie Aura.

"Have I already told you that they're making their move?" (Y/n) suddenly chirped, making the two demons turn to her.

"What?!" Ciel asked in disbelief, "Why didn't you say anything earlier?"

"Whoops? Hehehe~ If you two will Excuse me~ I've gotta do something. See you around, Earl~!" With that, (Y/n) waved goodbye before walking down the hall.

"Should I follow her?" Sebastian asked, but Ciel shook his head.

"As long as she's not meddling with the dead." Ciel muttered under his breath, slightly rolling his eyes. 'Knowing her, it's probably something related to that topic.'

"I've completed the task you told me to." Sebastian spoke when he was sure that (Y/n) was out of sight. "It seems like she was staying on a low profile when she moved in Japan. Although, I've gathered few informations that she's still messing with the dead."

"The Bizarre dolls? What about them?" Ciel asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable and nauseous just remembering the zombie-like creatures.

"There's no information about it. Either she stopped making Bizarre dolls or she have a secret base somewhere." Sebastian continued, "I also checked the ship. I didn't find anything suspicious except for empty coffins in the storage room."

"Empty Coffins....?" Ciel asked in slight alarm. "Is she planning to do anything with it?"

"I find nothing suspicious around the coffins. In fact, I found traces that she's not the only one who goes in the storage room."

Ciel just nodded, already lost in his thoughts. 'What is she up to? Most importantly, who's the one behind this?'

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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