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After five to ten minutes I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. "SHH! SHH! SHH! SHH! SHHHHHHHH! Look!" I pointed to a sleeping boar not even ten feet away from where we were standing, I quickly finished whittling the arrow I was working on and held it to my bow pulling back on the string before letting go. It had been a while since I last hunted so I held my breath watching as the arrow pierced the large beast's skin we heard the creature squeal in pain before promptly going limp. As we approached it I shot it one more time making sure it was dead. "You've got a good aim, Maria." CT!Sam congratulated me. "Thanks, man." I smiled proud of myself. Hbomb looked at a nearby bush. "Guys? I think we have company..." Hbomb started backing up as I grabbed one of the carved arrows from the boar's back and stepped forward with my bow aimed toward the bush. "I know you're there come out with your hands where I can see them!" I called. CT!Puffy CT!Niki and CT!Alyssa all came out of the bush. "Oh, it's just you three sorry about that..." I lowered my bow as the three walked up to us. "Sorry if we scared you three, Niki thought she found some blueberries but she got stuck in some brambles instead," Puffy explained. "Oh, okay well what have you guys got so far?" I asked. "Well, we found some wild radishes, asparagus, wild lettuce and cabbage, wild carrots, parsnips and celery, blackberries, strawberries, apples, chestnuts, wild mint, and ginger." Alyssa rummaged through their baskets. "Holy cow! All that in fifteen minutes? Very impressive ladies!" I clapped my hands in excitement. "Let's get back to the others." CT!Puffy smiled. "We have to cut up the boar first so it's easier to carry back though." CT!Sam reminded. "And I can also use the boar hide to make a quiver." I nodded examining the hide. "That way I won't have to carry my arrows in my hand. And we don't waste anything that could be useful to us." I explained. "Good idea Maria." Hbomb smiled. I pulled out my hunting knife and started cutting the beast into smaller pieces that we could carry. "Okay, that should be good." I picked up pieces of the boar handing some of them to CT!Sam and CT!Hbomb picking up the rest myself. "Now we can head back." I started back the way we came. Ten minutes later we found our way back to town with the boar and the other items that the girls had found. And boy oh boy they had that fire going good. "We're back!" I called in a sing-song voice. "Holy muffin Maria that a big boar!" Bad gawked at the large mammal, Skeppy's jaw dropped when he saw how big it was. CT!Sam, CT!Hbomb and I put the cut-up boar down near the fire and sat down. I sat next to it and began to prepare it for cooking, cutting off the hooves and the hide. I stood up and took the hide to a nearby tree hanging it on a low branch to dry out so I could turn it into a quiver the next day. I grabbed the meat and the items the girls had foraged and took them to a tree stump a few feet away from the fire, cutting the boar meat into portions and preparing it. I diced the cabbage and celery, chopped the carrots and put them in a pot I had brought with me. "Can someone go fetch some water? I'm making soup!" I called over to the group. "I'll go get some." CT!Dream called back putting Patches down on the ground and grabbing a bucket. I continued preparing the meat. "Alyssa? Could you and Hannah go get some stuff I can use for spices?" I asked. "Sure can Maria!" CT!Alyssa and CT!Hannah grabbed their baskets and wandered off. I walked over to the fire and sat down, I couldn't finish cooking until I had the spices and water.

To Lift A Curse (Cursed Town AU) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now