CH.1 The Hero School

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THE JOJOLANDS. THE JOJOLANDS IT'S REAAAAAAAAAAAL. I'M SO FREAKING HYPED FOR THIS PART. Jodio Joestar is clearly the counterpart of Giorno. Also Jojo fans are already filling the comment section of the song November Rain of GUNS N' ROSES like crazy!

Remember the Stands that you will see in the story were created by me, with the exception of the Stands Araki already created. Now let's stard this bizarre adventure.

UA School, a school that opens many doors for the heroes of the future and trains them to be the best professionals Japan has ever seen, a school with several types of students with their respective quirks, whether they are the mutant, transformer or issuer, and also their respective senseis, all with a different method of teaching but all important to becoming a hero.

My class is Class 1-A, we've just witnessed what it means to be a hero and the difficulties each hero carries, our class has just fought for their lives against real villains, my classmates managed to defend themselves with the your quirks thanks to the permission of our homeroom teacher, Aizawa-Sensei. We fought bravely with all our strength, but it was the senseis who suffered, because they left the battle almost dead, the villains had a secret weapon that was called Nomu by the leader of the villains. The Nomu creature completely defeated Erasurehead/Aizawa-sensei, but if it wasn't for the intervention of some of the students he wouldn't be alive to tell the story, but it was All-Might who took him out of danger and got him to safety, All-Might fought against the creature discovering even its weaknesses but he also succumbed to such power, All-Might would be dead if it weren't for the remains of the UA senseis who came to our aid thanks to Iida who had managed to escape and warn the school, but not even Ectoplasm-sensei, Cementos-sensei and Midnight-sensei's quirk were able to stop such a monster.

That's when our light of hope appeared in the presence of a hero that nobody had ever heard of, people said that he was a kind of scientist who studied quirks, as far as we know director Nezu hired this scientist at the beginning of the year to teach us the theory on the evolution of quirks. That person managed to trap Nome in the air, but nobody knows how the rest of my class and I thought and theorized that his quirk was the power of telekinesis, he managed to give All-Might time to give him the final blow, but I noticed something, something that I know nobody noticed, it could have been my imagination, it could have been because of the adrenaline I was feeling at that moment, but I swear I saw an emerald fly and hit the exposed brain of that monster.

After the incident, the police investigated the surroundings of the school to find out how the school had been invaded and how the villains could have broken security, after much investigation, the police discovered that the villains were being led by an organization that self called themselves the League of Villains.

We were in the classroom waiting for someone to come and teach us, as Aizawa-sensei was in the hospital recovering from his injuries, I heard a friend of mine named Mina asking Tsuyu another friend of mine who could come replace our teacher when Aizawa-sensei himself appeared in the doorway covered in bandages looking like a mummy.

"Aizawa-sensei are you alright?" Our class representative Iida asked worried about our sensei's health.

"My health condition is none of your business and besides it is not the important thing here. The important thing is that you are going to have a new sociology professor." Aizawa-sensei said causing the class to launch an attack of questions, but it didn't last long as sensei activated his quirk causing him to silence us. "Well as making introductions is very tiring, I'll just let him introduce himself, you can come in!"

The door then opened and a tall man walked in dressed in what appeared to be his hero outfit, but more like normal casual wear consisting of a long green overcoat and green jeans and brown shoes. His hair is red in color and also has a fringe hair in the shape of a macaroni. He also wears two cherry-shaped earrings, each of which is made up of a long, thin hoop, tipped with small red spheres. He also has two thin vertical scars crossing both of his eyes, likely the result of suffering in battle. He went straight to the board, and wrote his hero's name along with his civil name.

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