Dustin thd fish murderer

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Bill- hey guys what's up

Richie- Nothing much just doing your mom

Eddie- At least it's not my mom this time

Richie- How do you know I didn't make it a three way

Eddie- Richie istg

Richie- Anyways I'd like to add my cousin to this gc it's getting a bit too normal and I want to make it more chaotic

Beverly- The one that looks like you twin?

Richie- That's the one just give me a sec

Richie added Mike Wheeler to the group

Mike W- Richie wtf is this

Richie- A gc

Mike W- I know that dipshit I mean why am I here

Richie- Why not

Mike W- Well can I at least add my friends

Richie- Sure I guess

Mike W added El, Will, Max, Lucas and Dustin to the group

Max- Wheeler wtf is this

Mike W- A gc

Max- I know I can fucking read

Mike W- You asked

Richie- istg

Stanley- Great more people I'm sure nothing could go wrong

Ben- I wouldn't be so sure of that

Dustin- Oh can I add the rest into this gc we might need there parental supervision

Beverly- Sure I don't care

Dustin added Steve, Robin, Nancy and Jonathan to the group

Richie- Great more nerds

Eddie- What are you talking about your a nerd

Mike H- We are all nerds

Jonathan- I'm more of a freak than a nerd

Mike H- We can all be freaks to

Dustin- I don't know what yous are talking about I'm a perfectly functional member of society

Lucas- Sure Dusty-Bun

Mike H- Dusty-Bun what kind of name is that

Eddie- It sounds like something you would call your bunny

Steve- Why am I in a random ass gc with a bunch of kids and strangers

Will- I would also like to know why I am here

Beverly- Well Richie wanted to add Mike because they are cousins so then Mike added you

Stanley- Can you guys shut up I'm trying to watch birds

Jonathan- Watching birds? That sounds boring

Dustin- Better than taking pictures of people half naked

Eleven- I am confused

Will- Jonathan did you take a picture of someone half naked?

Eddie- sounds kinda creepy dude

Steve- Dustin I told you that in private

Jonathan- I shouldn't have done it and regret it deeply, I'm really sorry Steve and Nancy

Nancy- It's okay Jonathan, I obviously forgive you your my boyfriend now and Dustin shouldn't have brought it up

Steve- Yea it's all good man

Max- So changing the subject what is everyone up to

Eddie- Trying to find Richie's dog

Beverly- Since when did Richie get a dog

Stanley- Yea is it just new

Mike W- I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a dog

Max- lmfao

Eleven- I like dogs they are really cute

Richie- I don't have a dog I was just messing with you Ed's

Eddie- So you mean to tell me that I've been outside for 3 hours looking for a dog you don't have

Richie- Maybe

Eddie- I'm going to kill you Tozier

Robin- This is what I open my phone to great

Mike H- I'm used to it by now it's always something with this lot

Dustin- Guys I lost my goldfish

Max- How tf do you lose a goldfish

Dustin- It looked lonely so I took it to the pond full with frogs and I turned my back for one second and it's gone

Nancy- Wait what

Robin- You dingus

Stanley- A frog probably ate it

Max- Dude that must suck now your down to 0 friends

Nancy- Why did you think that this would be a good idea

Dustin- No Bubbles

Lucas- I thought your fish was called Goldie

Dustin- That was last weeks fish

Stanley- Alright I'm out

Ben- Me too

Mike W- istg

Jonathan- I would like to say I'm surprised but I'm not

Dustin- Fish are just hard to keep alive

Will- How man fish have you bought this year?

Dustin- Like 500

Robin- 500!

Ben- Wtf

Stanly- Fish Murderer

Richie- Fish are boring if you want an interesting pet get a kangaroo, you can even sleep in the pouch to save you money on beds

Beverly- You are not getting a kangaroo

Richie- But-

Beverly- I mean it

Steve- Dustin that's it I warned you, you are no longer aloud to buy any mire fish

Dustin- Fine mommy

Steve - Don't call me that, I hate that

Beverly- Mommy lmfao

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