Richies a virgin

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Will- Hey guys me and Mike are all good 💕

Robin- So you forgave him just like that

Will- Well he did make a pretty compelling case

Nancy- Well I'm glad that yous worked it out because Mike is always going on about how amazing you are

Beverly- Exposed

Bill- Simp lols

Lucas- Ew who says lols anymore

Mike H- Well technically you just did

Max- Ha loser

Beverly- I still say lols but like ironically

Bill- See Bev gets it

Ben- Sup guys

Richie- Benny Boys here, now it's a party

Max- Richard long time no see

Richard- Maxine pleasure to make your acquaintance again

Beverly- Yous are weird

Steve- Tell me about it

Jonathan- Uhhhh guys, I may or may not of just walked in on Mike and Will kissing

Mike H- But I'm all the way in Derry

Mike W- He means me

Ben-  Ooo this just got interesting

Max- Wait is that why you forgave him so quickly

Nancy- Wait Mike your gay

Eddie- Well he could be Bi

Mike W- Yea I'm Bi and I'm in love with Will

Eleven- I'm so happy for you guys 💕

Eddie- Wait but your his ex and yous just broke up like 2 hours ago

Robin- Wow El really is a sweetheart

Eleven- I knew he didn't truly love me and that he loved Will

Stanley- Hey guys what did I miss

Bill- Will and Mike kissing

Robin- Steve I want the gay children

Stanley- Okay then

Steve- No you cannot take any of my children

Max- But I want to be Robins child

Robin- Yes can I at least have Max and Will since they are my favourites

Lucas- Yano it's hard not to take offence to this

Will- Yesss Mummy Robin 💕

Stanley- Just one normal conversation that's all I want

Bill- No one in this gc is normal Stan

Lucas- I have you know I'm very normal

Richie- Yea and I'm a virgin

Max- Thanks for sharing?

Eleven- What's a virgin?

Stanley- Maybe you should ask your parents

Nancy- A virgin is someone who's never had sex

Eleven- What's sex?

Jonathan- Hopper is going to kill us

Beverly- You can find out by going on porn hub


Will- El don't listen to her okay don't go in porn hub

Steve- Omg we are so dead if Hopper finds out

Eleven- I am now scared

Richie- Did you happen to see me on there?

Steve- Omg we are so dead

Stanley- Yous are dead we are in Derry

Eleven- Hopper saw it on my screen and he is taking away my phone by guys

Steve- Well that was eventful

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