Chapter 4

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Sunoo stared at the blank ceiling thinking what he got into a few moments ago, to be honest sunoo don't wanna trust those vampires yet there's something about them that made sunoo a little soft to those creatures

"Sunoo hyung what are you thinking?" Jungwon appeared out of nowhere , The younger was shocked but still contained his posture since hes the prince he can't remove those things

"Nothing really, all of these are happening so fast , I'm just trying to process everything " the younger said and jungwon just stared at him and nods

"You know we can't process this also , it's hard hyung since we don't like humans at all , we have temptations but I don't know what's gotten into Heeseung hyung that he agreed that we take you here" jungwon stated and sunoo was offensive a little, but then jungwon clarified

"Its not like we don't like you here , don't misinterpret sunoo , we actually like here but we're just surprised that we all agreed specially sunghoon hyung" The vampire said again and sunoo just smiled and nods at him

"The thought of staying with yall 6 here is kinda weird but no offense your house is cozier than the palace " sunoo said and jungwon just nods at him youngers remarks

"Glad to hear my prince" Jungwon said and sunoo just smiled not showing the tinted red thing on his face , well he's blushing so shut up

"Oh BTW since you're here sunoo hyung , wanna explore the place, ill show you where you'll sleep and be safe from other creatures in this forest " jungwon said and sunoo stared at him in shock

"What are the other creatures here? " sunoo asked kinda scared, he's not hoping other predators here except vampires but based on what the cute vampire said , there's a lot of other predators still living in the forest

"Well there are werewolves, sirens, shapeshifters , ghosts , evil wizards , some demons and a lot more , but don't worry our house is safe cause we're the most powerful creatures here , we role this forest " jungwon said and sunoo just nods a little and smiled at the vampires remarks , sunoo just sigh and smiled

"Come now" jungwon said and sunoo just followed the excited vampire who just pulled him to a corridor full of different rooms to choose on, but its all occupied since it's only seven of it

Jungwon opened the first room and sunoo got shocked, the room is floating in vines and a lot of plants , the room is full of healthy living plants with green and refreshing resources, sunoo could live here

"this is my room , I have this plant powers which I consider not really cool but helpful " jungwon said and sunoo just shook his head and disagree

"no Jungwon , it's cool m I like it " sunoo said and Jungwon just smiled at the youngers remarks

then jungwon pulled sunoo to the second room when suddenly a big tornado appeared but its on control since the room is literally fine with it

"This is Heeseung hyungs room , he has powers to control air yet he can't make this tornado stop , gosh what is he thinking " jungwon said and sunoo just smiled and continued to look around the room, well sunoo can't really stay there any longer so sunoo immediately pulled the vampire outside

"And here's the third room , it's actually Jay hyungs room , you see there's a lot of rocks and you should walk up to there to get in his bed but yet he use his powers to go there , and yeah he can control the earth but only the ground " jungwon said and sunoo was amazed on what the room looks , well his eyes went blank when he went to the next room

"Here's jake hyungs room , he controls the water , see its like a scenery here since jake hyung designed his room beautifully, you know hyung i could stay here all day but jake hyung can make me drown in this room " Jungwon stated and sunoo just laughs at the vampires remarks , then jungwon pulled his to a room where is really really cold, like what the hell it's like a refrigerator

"Here's sunghoon hyungs room , and its soo cold some mosquitoes will die here , sunghoon hyung can only sleep here since he's only the one who's immune to cold and it's his powers so he can do what ever he wants , it's pretty right?? " jungwon asked and sunoo just nods but pulled the vampire outside cause he can't take the coldness of the room , he hate cold places he just can't take them

"Oh seems like you can't take the coldness of the room, but can you take the heat here " jungwon stated and opened the second to the last room and fire was in it , sunoo panicked a little but he let it slide since he knew its one of their powers , "this is ni-kis room, as you see his powers is fire like a really string vampire, sometimes I ask myself how can he sleep at this temperature, all I wanna do now is to take off my clothes" jungwon stated which he did took off his tshirt actually and sunoo covered his eyes

"Pfft you don't need to cover your eyes sunoo-shi " jungwon said and sunoo slowly took off his hands on his eyes, and he saw jungwon shirtless with his biceps and 6 pack abs , sunoo would be drooling right now but he controlled himself and just awkwardly smiled at the younger , after that they went to the last room and the room was so gloomy, Dark and no light

"This will be your room sunoo-shi " jungwon stated and sunoo stared at him with scared eyes but jungwons face says other wise, his face is so excited like a kitten waiting for his food , "are you sure jungwon hyung? It's kinda scary " sunoo said and jungwon sigh , "just try sunoo , if you really belonged here something will happen to the room " the vampire said and sunoo just nods and slowly went inside the room

Sunoo puts his first step on the room and suddenly Yellow light pops up on his steps , sunoo then keeps walking in the room and a yellow goldish light keeps appearing on his footprints , and when he's finally at the center of the room , a gold light splashed and the room is now finally pull of furnitures and things that sunoo needs but what caught the youngers attention is the details in the room , the room is giving a sunset awra in the sky with clouds and the sun is shining brightly, sunoo was literally shocked but he's also excited since he has a room that like the other vampires have , what made sunoo more excited is that , his room is yellow and it's his favorite color

"Wow sunoo" jungwon was amazed when another room happens to be sunoos was splashed with magic , its been over a century that , that room was opened and now the magic they're waiting for finally happened , Jungwon was frozed on the spot but sunoo just smiled at him and winks


To be continued....

Finally another update, I was at school while writing this and I'm kinda stressed out since I have a lot of paper works to finish and also so practice for the coming festival this March but yeah another update, hope you guys like it please bare with my incorrect spellings and my grammatical errors , I'll be back again chuiis bye!! 🖤🎧

THE LOST PRINCE ✧ SUNOO X ENHYPEN [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now