03 "friends"

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I was waiting for Dustin to come walk me to school and then I see him here "hey" he said "hi" one we got there we split into our own groups I guess

-Dustin's pov-

"Yooo" I said to my group at the lockers "yo what's up with you and your girl we saw u walking with her" brandt saids I knew what he was talking about "oh yea we just friends." 'I wanna be more then friends' "oh aight well ima catch u at lunch I guess" brandt said as he walked away I thought 'this nigga finna do some stupid shit'

-brandt pov
I walk over to y/n "hey y/n u wanna go to the mall with the group?" I ask not telling her that Dustin was gonna be there but I hope she doesn't assume he is it's gonna be a surprise I guess "sure! I'll meet u guys there at 3" she says as she walks away

-y/ns pov

'Hm I wonder why he asked? But who cares'  I thought as I walked to my class

-Brandt pov

"Yo Dustin u tryna go to the mall with the group?" I ask
"For sure" he saids as he follows y/n into their class they hav together

-y/n pov

(Sorry there's a lot of pov switches)

As Dustin follows me into our class I still in front of him two rows up, hes two rows down, 'I remember'

-after class

We all meant in the boys bathroom that I wasn't suppose to be in but it's fine "okay are y'all ready?" Brandt asked "yea" everyone said as we went to the mall and ditched school and all our classes as we ran out the school
I saw Dustin I think he was ditching it with us he started walking beside me "oh my god guys I have the best idea for when we get there!" I say to my group "it better not be some dumb shit y/n" Dustin said "you guys will see" I say to them and Dustin

-at the mall

"Okay everyone follow me!" I say as I take them to Victoria secret

(I used this idea from someone 🤞🏽)

"Y/n why are we here?! I told yo ass not to take us to sum dumb shit" Dustin says "pleaseeee i need to buy some stuff here" I say begging Dustin "fine but do I have to pay?" Dustin ask "yes sir now come on!" I say as all the boys follow me, few minutes later I grabbed some bra's and some panties as I went into the try-on area to try them on I tried some on while the boys went touching stuff and looking around the store 'god boys are weird' "okay I'm done now," I say opening the curtain and going to the cash register "hi!, this one I don't want and the rest I'll keep" I say to the girl at the cash register "aww I really liked that one!" Dustin whined "the blue one?" I ask "yeah" Dustin says "on second thought I'll get that one to" I say to the girl 'if Dustin likes it I'm getting it but he hadn't even seen me in it? Strange. But anyway' "is ur boyfriend buying ur stuff?" The girl at the cash register ask "um im not h-" i cut Dustin off "um yes my Boyfriend is" I say lying "oh here take the blue one for free" she saids as she rings me up and hangs him the bag as we walk out "soo are we not gonna take about what just happened" Alex said "yes how I just got a bra for free!" I say happy "well where are we going next boys?" I ask "let's go to daveinbusters" brandt saids "hm good choice okay let's go" I say I follow brandt to it. "Okay so before we go in are we all getting our own cards?" Brandt ask us "I'll pay for everyone's card, so we each to share a card so 2 people each" I say "okay so gabe and me can share one and Alex can get his own and Dustin and you share one" brandt saids "okay let's go!" I say very happy after I finish paying I grab Dustin's hand and drag him to this giant stuff animal winner "Dustin Dustin can u please try to get this bear I've been trying for ages?!" I ask "okay chill mami ima try" Dustin says as I get excited he got it on the first try! "Yes yes elégante thank u!" I say ask he hands me it as I kiss his cheek "Aw is  Dustin fluttered?" I tease "well now it's my turn to pick a game let's go play this I bet I'll beat u!" Dustin says "okay!" I say as he takes me to it and we start playing...

He wins.
"Nooo I was this close" I say showing him "ha yes now I get tokens!" He saids excited "u know ur cute when ur excited?" I say "what?" He ask "oh nothing" I say hopefully he didn't hear that "no no I heard what u said!" He teases "aww so u thing I'm cute?" He teases again as we keep playing for hours everyone meets back up front and we leave and everyone else walks home and before Dustin could walk home "hey Dustin do u wanna meet my mom?" I ask "hell yeah let's go to ur house mami" he says excited


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