alone together

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Summary: You, Julian and O'Brian where planning on meeting up in Julian's quarters to play poker But O'Brian couldn't make it so it is just you and Julian. 

As I go over to Julians quarters I go to get O'Brian I knock on and Keiko comes with Molly in her arms and says "Oh hi Y/N"

"Is O'Brian here?" I asked.

"No, sorry dear" Keiko responded.

"Ok no worries, thanks tho" I expressed.

As I walked off I assumed O'Brian was already there. I got to Julians quarters and went in.

"Hello Y/N" Julian joyfully said.

"Well your in a good mood" I claimed.

Julians smile turned even bigger.

"Is O'Brian not with you?" Julian questioned.

"I thought he already came." I answered.

There was a buzz on the combadge.

"O'Brian to Y/N"

"O'Brian where are you?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry I got caught up I'm not going to be able to make it but please carry on without me." O'Brian pledged.

Me and Julian looked up to make passionate eye contact I caught myself staring at his lips. "Y/N" Julian said in his attractive english voice.

"Oh... Um yes sorry... What" I said stupidly. I must have zoned out.

"Do you still want to play poker or do you want to do something else it's not really fun with two people" Julian reminded me.

"No, your right do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Yes, that would be lovely" Julian said as his lips turned to make a smile.

Julian walked over to the replicator and ordered a giant sweet popcorn as I turned on the TV to put on a movie. Julian got on the bed and put the popcorn between us as we where very far apart.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Julian asked.

"Oh... Um I don't might anythings fine" I said and smiled.

He put on a horror movie from the early 23rd century it was terrifying. Every other scene I had to look away. Julian didn't realise until I make a wimper. Julian looked over and chuckled and shook his head in a sarcastic way. Looked over at me again and demanded I came closer to him so he could make me feel more safe. He did it in a way without saying anything he just kind of did a gesture. But it worked I suppose I felt my self coming closer to him until I felt his arm around me. I snuggled up to him I felt so safe in a way I could sense his warm aroma. It was silent until he broke it by saying "you know it's not real right."

"Huh" I blurted.

"Well you know it's not real" he told me.

"So" I said.

"So, there's no need to be scared" he corrected.

I rolled my eyes and snuggled up so I looked like a little curled up fetus laying next to him. "Thanks" I admitted.

"For what?" Julian said confused.

I didn't want him to think I was thanking him for protecting me so I said "for the popcorn... Sweet is my favorite." Doing an embarrassed chuckle.

"Oh this next part is actually terrifying, if you found that bit before scary you will shit yourself with this part." Julian cautioned.

He cupped my head and gentlally slammed it onto his chest  and covered my ears so I didn't see or hear it.

"It's going to be ok" Julian assured me.

I looked up and the scene wasn't over yet I guess Julian lost guard and I saw a disturbing way of killing someone. I screamed "turn it off!"

"Geez okay but how are you going to get on in a Starfleet if you can't even handle that" Julian corrected.

"Oh, and you aren't scared on bit are you." I sarcasticly said.

"No" Julian responded.

"You know Julian I don't know how you can have an interest in those kind of movies, I thought you would like documentaries." I said ruder than I would of hoped.

"Well I do like documentaries just not as much as horror. But I guess it's kinda cute than your scared." Julian emphasizes.

"Cute? How is it cute. It is hardly cute. Cute really Julian?" I assured him it wasn't cute.

"I don't know it- well... It's nice you know getting to protect someone" Julian admitted.

"Oh is being a doctor not protecting enough for you?" I joked.

He gently pushed me and rolled his eyes and did an unimpressed sigh. "You know your not funny" he claimed.

That's so weird!" I said

"What is?" He asked sounding confused.

"That your a doctor and hurt me. You know Julian doctors are supposed to heal not hurt." I informed him.

"Ok now your really getting on my nerves" he said but in a way I knew he didn't mean it. I felt like he would never want to hurt me intentionally. He was sweet.

I rolled my eyes. He grabbed me in a none violent way and trapped me in a hug and started playing with my hair but not in a romantic way but in a different way in a way where it felt nice, normal. Normally if a guy I knew for two days did this it would be weird but with Julian it was different, nice diffrent. I looked up at him and we made eye contact like before but more romantic his buetiful brown eyes looked like he had never seen anything as geourgous before in his life.

He whispered "You know your buetiful right"

And then he leaned in and kissed me it was amazing it was passionate and I didn't want it too end but then I learned away I didn't know why I liked it at least I thought I did.

"I think I should go back to my quarters" I blurted.

"Yes, I think that would be best" Julian said rather embarrassed.

I ran out and ran straight to my quarters all I could think about was O'Brian and how I just kissed one of his best friends and we where kind of a group would it be weird, awkward. My head was bombarded with questions. I got to my quarters and slid down the back of the door and but my head in my lap holding back tears.

Note: I don't know if there are TVs in the 24th century but let's pretend. Also Julian doesn't seem like a guy who likes horror but again just pretend.

Word count: 1092

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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