! Love at first sight? !

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Am I losing my mind?! I couldn't believe what I had just thought! No way I, out all off people, was thinking about making love to a person I barely know! I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and proceeded to look up my feelings. I wasn't sure which one it was but "love at first sight" seemed to fit me the best. I still wasn't 100% sure if it was, it was just a guess and/or an idea from the internet.

A part of me wanted to ask Noah out but I wasn't sure. I wasn't exactly the "flirty" type, I don't even know how to flirt! But I was going to have to learn if I wanted to be any closer with Noah. I could've asked my aunt for good advice but no, I went straight to the internet for help, big mistake. I read articles, watched videos, and much more to try and learn how to flirt but not in a cringy way. I knew that it would come out cringy anyways.

The next day, I was walking to the grocery store for my aunt, I tried to see if I could find Noah anywhere. I was in a pretty decent mood but I knew if I saw him, my life would be much better. Just the way his hair glows in the sun with his beautiful moon-like eyes, he was just perfect for me. I really need to find him, I needed him as soon as possible. I almost crashed into the grocery store's doors but thankfully I noticed them before I did.

Finally I finished the list, checked up, and went home. But during my walk home, my eyes immediately caught onto something. Noah. There he was! I almost drop all of my groceries, my eyes couldn't stop staring at him. He was walked a beautiful white German Shepherd, it definitely seems like a pet for him. They both were walking on the other side of the road, I tried to wave but he didn't seem to notice me.

Ah, he was listening to music! I wonder what kind of music he'd like, could it be similar to mine? Probably not but whatever. Once I finally snapped back to reality, I continued my way home, while constantly thinking of Noah ofc. I couldn't get him out of my head, no matter what I did. I just wanted to hold him, care for him, kiss him, and make him feel loved and special. I wanted him.

My aunt greeted me at the door with a huge smile, something not too common.

"Isaac! Your finally home!"

"Mh—" She cut me off quickly-

"Your boyfriend came over and asked to see you!!"

"He's not my boyfriend-!!"

"Whatever! I think he asked you out on a date!!"

She quickly took the groceries out of my hands and handed me a small envelope. I stared at it. It was pink and white, with heart sticker holding it in place. I careful opened it, trying not to ruin it. A letter and a small sticker sheet were inside of the envelope, I could tell my heart was fluttering and beating like crazy. Opening the letter I soon discovered that it was in fact a letter asking me out somewhere.

'Dear Isaac,
I'm also assuming that you're also feeling things about me. Though I don't know if they are good or bad feelings, but I would love to talk about it. I would love to meet you at ****, it's a small park next to the pathway you walked at that night. Same time too. I hope you'll be there, really looking forward to it.

Ps: Stop hurting your brother-!!


I'm not even surprised about the last part, but my heart was pounding over the rest of it. I knew where that park was, and I loved it there. It was so beautiful at night. I wasn't 100% if it was a date or not, but I was going to be with Noah! Something I've wanted and needed! I smiled, knowing that I am going to show up. 100%.

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