Living a colorful life, remember God's promises.

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Living a colorful life, remember God's promises.
DP#5 M2-15

"Living a colorful life, remember God's Promises"

God created everything but He can also destroy all His creation if He want to.Remember the time of Noah, the Lord saw how great man's wickedness on earth, people are evil doers except Noah -for God saw Noah a righteous man, who walked with God. So, when Lord decided to wipe mankind by the flood, He asked Noah to build an arc so that he will be saved and his family... and so the story goes on.

After that event, God made a covenant with Noah and to his descendants -that God never again will all life be cut-off by the waters of the flood, never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth. It is true when we experience storm, yes it destroys some properties, buildings, houses and even life but not the whole earth for the covenant of God is true.

Now a days, we experience different storms in life and it brings flood in our life but it is just for a moment, for God's covenant is true. When God made a covenant, God set his rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant.

So, whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, God says, "I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant I have established between me and all life on earth". That's why we feel wonderful every time we seeing a rainbow, for God also looking at this same rainbow and God remember His promise. Wait, it doesn't mean God forgets. No, God is all knowing, but it is just His initiative of the covenant to every creature.

Rainbow is a sign of His promise to His entire creature.
How is a rainbow formed anyway?
First, there must be a rain. Biblically speaking, rain represents God's grace. And His grace is for every creature, imagine "...God sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous," God is fair to all. We all feel God's mercy. Even though we are so bad, we committed sins, but God never think twice to give His grace to all.
Second, it needed a cloud, for rainbow sets on the cloud. Cloud may represent sin. God can show His grace and mercy to the wicked and sinners. "Though sin is with you, God will separate you from sin; he will do His promise to redeem you,"
We all know sin separate us from God's righteousness. But it is amazing that the darker the cloud may be, the brighter the rainbow can be shown. The mercy of God getting bigger because He wants us to be saved, he expand His mercy for the sinners and to His creature. For it is written, where sin of men increased, grace of God increased all the more.
Third, to form a rainbow sunshine is needed -and it represents God. For the sun of righteousness will rise -and then Jesus came. See, wow amazing this formula to show his promise to us. Always look to the promise of God. Live by the promise of God. Remember, rainbow has its color that's why it amazes us
If we live by His promise, you will have a colorful life.

Christian living is not a boring life, just put color into it by living of His promises. Put a meaning with this color of the rainbow. Remember how our science teacher thought us about colors of the rainbow? Remember ROYGBIV -the seven major color: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, and VIOLET.
Some lives with God's promise but it doesn't have meaning for them. For some Filipino's philosophy about promises, it is made to be broken, and the results? We take promises is just an ordinary thing. God has a promise for us and its sign is a rainbow. His sign of His promise is so colorful, it is not an ordinary promises.

Do you imagine why God put colors into this rainbow? Do these colors have any functional purpose?
Yes it has. For illustration:

RED - symbolizes security of salvation.
The universal cleansing made through the blood of Jesus. We Christian are being saved by the blood of Christ. It purify us, from old to a new creation. For we are bounded to eternal damnation because of our sin -and sin put us to death. But Jesus Christ died, and His blood that shed on that cross saves us. We must to be baptized, for it cleanses us from our sin. That's the time you received Jesus, for the very promise of God is Jesus. Christianity is nothing without Christ.

ORANGE -symbolizes relief.
Synonyms for rest, freedom, release and quarantine. His promise is to give us relief, for Jesus said, "Come unto me all you heavily laden and I will give you rest". When you are living of the promise of God, you have freedom, you can release easily to every negative thoughts and things, even in the state of anger. Anger is just for a moment because God's favor is for a life time; you cry for a moment but you laugh with joy because there is God. It is an irony in this world that the common color of prisoner's dress is orange while when you are a servant of God or a prisoner of God, you remember orange in the rainbo means God's promise of your relief and freedom.
When you detained yourself into His presence or of His covenant you will receive freedom, rest and relief.

YELLOW -represents clarity.
Clear, right, righteousness and goodness of being a Christian.

His promise is true to all of his righteous children. Remember Noah who received salvation for He is righteous before God. Be a righteous man, for His promise is true for those who seek God's righteousness. It is written, there is no righteous who is forsaken. And for the first place, God made a covenant because of the righteous people.

GREEN -symbolizes abundance and expansion.
God's promise gives new hope, better beginning, progress, great achievements, for Jesus come for us to have abundant life. Greater blessing will come. Jesus will take you to a greener pasture, God has plan for a better future.
Jeremiah 29:11 for God knows the plans that he has for us; rely on God's promises for your life.
He did not planned your pain, or your suffering or your being broken but he planned your prosperity, healing, relief and all of the good things you could ask, just live by His promise.

BLUE -symbolizes truth. It talks about the truth about God. About whom he is, about what God can do. God is a loving God that is true, but God is also a God of judgement. God can punish those not behaved, those disobedient to His law. God can put His wrath for the wicked and evil doers though He is merciful. So don't lose the fear of God. For God opposes proud, but gives grace to the humble. If you obey His commandments 'may gantimpala ka', but if you disobey God 'may gantimpalo ka'.
God can gives life and gives death; can prosper people and brings cursed also for God can do all things and that is truth about God.

INDIGO -symbolizes Bridge.
It is a bridge between God's covenant and judgement. This color reminds us the stoppage of universal judgement and punishment -that there is still way of salvation. That's why God gives mission to His people to share the Gospel so that the world will be saved for by the Gospel and by Christ people will receive salvation. There still a chance for us, for the promise of God is about salvation.

And last, VIOLET -symbolizes love.
All of His promises united by love.
There is an assurance of God's promise because God loves us. Because of His love to His creation He made a covenant.
We are alive because of love of God, so live by God's love.

I never stop reminding myself that, "Father in heaven loves me".
For all of the good things in life comes from love -because God is love, so be in His love.

Forget wickedness; keep in mind about His promises.
Forget Baggage and move forward. Everytime you are in trouble just look at His promise, look at God's rainbow:
You don't have to wait for a rain -God's mercy is a rain -it pours to everyone, nor wait for cloud -it's okay to fail for you are not yet perfect because there's only one perfect and He is the Sun- our God. These three is the cause of the rainbow. Rainbow draws in the clouds because of you. Have this rainbow in you, to have a colorful and meaningful life para HAYAHAY! ^____^

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