Chapter Two~Into The Darkness

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My eyes open, and I can feel the sun burning my face as it shines through the window. Today was going to be an intense day. This is actually happening, I'm going into the forbidden forest. I jump out of bed and I get dressed. I then grab everything I need and I stuff them in my bag. I take a deep breathe. This isn't a dream, this is actually happening. I put on my backpack and I then quietly walk out of the front door. The village was abandoned today. I can easily get into the forest without being caught.

I head over to the forest, trying to keep myself hidden. The place might seem abandoned, but that doesn't mean people can't see me. I then notice Macy standing in a distance.

"So, you ready for your epic adventure"

"Oh, trust me, I am so ready"

I give Macy a hug and a wave goodbye. I might never see her again. I look at the forest that sits before me. A big forest, a small girl. Who knows what could happen. I step into the forest and I take a deep breathe. This is it, no turning back now. My heart is pounding, and I can still see Macy waving behind me. All I hear is growls and moans around me. God knows what is out there.

I walk further on into the forest, looking around to make sure that nothing is following me. I regret wearing a dress, I'm constantly getting stuck on a twig or a bush. I try to stay quiet, I don't want to attract the creatures. As I move further into the forest, i start to hear more noises. Squeaks and moans are coming from the tree tops, but when I look up, there is nothing there. Maybe they are scared of me. Maybe they are planning to kill me.

The forest is getting darker. The trees are blocking out the sun, and I can't see very well. I then remembered that I had a lantern in my backpack. I open my backpack and I take the lantern out. I then light it with a match.

"Let there be light" I whisper to myself, still trying to stay quiet. I don't want the beasts coming after me.

I put the lantern up in the air, and the light guides me through the rest of the forest. Although I have light, I still can't see what is in the distance. What if one of the creatures was right I front of me? It isn't like I can see it coming for me. I breathe heavily. I've got to stay calm, there are creatures that can sense fear. I can't let the beasts get me, I must stay quiet and hidden.

I walk past a big, old twisted tree, and I notice that something is carved into the bark. It says 'Kokoro'. Kokoro is a Japanese word for 'heart, mind and soul'. It then hits me. I'm not the first person to enter the forest. Someone else has already been here. But they never made it back out. Did they die in The forest? I start to breathe heavily, and my heart is beating fast. They are after me. They are going to kill me. I run as fast as I can, trying not to trip up and fall. I can hear noises behind me, getting louder and louder.

All of a sudden, I fall to the floor. My dress got caught on a twig. I'm not hurt, but I do have dirt all over me. I rub the muddy substance off of my dress, and I then sit down on a log. I need to sit down and take a rest. I have been walking for so long, and I need to rest. I then get a sleeping bag out of my backpack and I place it on the floor. If I sleep here, then no evil creatures can see me. I'm hidden behind a bunch of bushes and shrubs, and my black dress is camouflaged by the flowers that are around me. I can finally have a nap and rest. I have been walking for such a long time, and I need energy if I want to run away from all the bad creatures that are after me.

I can feel my eyes closing slowly, and the forest around me drifts away. I am asleep. I can still hear Macy calling my name. 'Good luck, Mai' I can hear her say. I know she misses me. I wish she was here with me, to help me on my journey. I should have let her come with me. But what if she was killed by one of he creatures? Would I be responsible for her death? That's why I didn't let her come. I didn't want to see her die out here. I then feel my eyes open again. But I'm not in the forest. I am in my room, at home. Macy is sitting on my bed next to me

"Mai, don't worry, this is just a dream" says Macy, as she reaches out and holds my hand.

"You must survive Mai. You can't die, I can't lose you"

"Don't worry Macy, I will stay alive, for you. For my mother"

I can feel myself waking up. I must stay alive for Macy and my mother. They need me. I can't leave them. I must try my best to stay unnoticed. My eyes start to open. I can still hear Macy's voice telling me to stay safe. I will stay safe, and I will make it out alive. I am awake, and all of the growling noises around me are gone. I am safe, for now. I get up and shove my sleeping bag back in my backpack. I must carry on moving. I start walking through the forest, ignoring the fact that a monster could be after me. I must stay strong and concur my fears. I have already gotten this far. I don't want to give up now.

MonstA (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora