The Witch's End

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           There was a pearly glow in the bright white sky. The first rays of the sunlight lit up my room. The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky.

"Rise 'n' Shine!" Said the youthful, cheerful witch in a joyful tone. She got up as energetic as ever and walked to her kitchen to make breakfast.

"What should I have today for breakfast?... Should I try making soft, crisp pancakes? Well, let's give it a shot!" The witch tried making the pancakes; she grabbed the different ingredients used to make her breakfast, but she heard muffled sounds of little kids talking outside her house while making pancakes.

 She strutted to the door, confused about who it was since she had never had anyone visit her for the past few years.

The witch peeked at her window after shuffling the curtains to the side; she saw two adventurous little children. As the witch stood with her arms crossed, still wondering why children would suddenly appear in front of her house, she heard one of the kids say, "Isn't this the magical house everyone has been talking about?" Gretal said in an unamused tone.


"HELLO? ANYONE HOME?" Once again, it sounded like the same little girl talking earlier.

"Stop being so rude," Hansel said, trying to fix her attitude.

"See, there's no one home!" Said Gretal, proving her point to Hansel. The witch heard the little girl's words and thought about what she would do since the girl was sure that no one was home; she thought, why don't I play a little prank on them?

 The witch started setting everything up while Hansel was outside looking around the house, searching for a way into the unreal house. She headed towards the front door and saw the kids circling the house. She opened the door, peeked her head out, and started talking in a welcoming voice,

"Hello there! Would you like to enter?"

"Ew, who does she think she is?" Whispered Gretal in Hansel's ear. Hansel whispered to Gretal,

"Just go along with it; go into her house."

Ohh, yes! We would like to enter." Said Gretal in her sweetest voice.

 Hansel and Gretal entered the house, went straight over to the couch and sat silently with a blank stare, unaware of what to do.

"She looks weird. I feel like she's going to do something bad to us," said, Hansel.

 "It's alright just play long like you said earlier."

As the two children conversed with each, the witch prepared refreshments for them to eat and drink. She tried to finish cooking the unfinished pancakes.

"Look over there; there's a furnace over there. Why don't we throw her into the furnace?" Replied Gretal while giggling. Gretal pushed her and held the witch's head while Hansel grabbed her legs. They threw her into the burning flames with all their power, but little did they know that the "witch" that had been thrown into the fire wasn't the real witch...

The end.

"hehehe, good thing that wasn't me." said the one and only, The Witch.

For the ending, you can make your own.

credits to: Bethany

(489 words) 

(Updated on: 2/22/23)

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