Version 2

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Hansel's and Gretel's dad lead them toward the forest. Gretal was joyful, strolling down the path. However, Hansel knew his dad's plan and decided to leave a trail of breadcrumbs so they could find their way back home. After reaching the dark and gloomy part of the forest, "Look over there! You see that birdie flying?" Said their dad as he pointed to nothing and started sprinting out of the woods. 

Gretal was too busy trying to see what their dad had "seen." Hansel and Gretal looked back and saw no one there. "Where's dad?" asked Gretal, oblivious to what had happened. "I knew this would happen! Luckily, I dropped some breadcrumbs on our way," said Hansel.

 Hansel started searching for where his breadcrumb trail had left off. He searched every spec of the track but found no breadcrumbs until he saw crows on the path and saw them with small breadcrumbs in their mouth. "Oh dilllykjsmsosmdk darn!" Said, Hansel.

 "What happened nowwwww?" Gretal asked while plucking grass, waiting for her brother to find the way home. Hansel was looking for somewhere to sleep since the sky was getting dark, and they needed a place to stay overnight.

 After walking for a while, they finally found a house. The house was a house made of sweets. It had gingerbread walls, a gummy door knob, and candy canes scattered in front of the house. They were tempted to walk in but knew it wasn't polite to step into someone else's house without them knowing.

 Then appeared an old lady; she had wrinkles and her forehead, her hair was white with some strands of grey hair, and her eyes were so small it seemed like she was closing them all the time. 

She spoke, saying, "Ohh! Little youngsters, why don't you come in?" 

Hansel was hesitant, but on the other hand, Gretal was pleased, looked at her brother, and turned back to the witch, "We would love to come in!"

"Well then!" said the witch as she walked closer to the front door and opened it. "WOAH! LOOK AT ALL THE FURNITURE! EVERYTHING IS MADE OF CANDY!" Gretal was happier than ever.

 She started trying every piece of furniture; while she tried everything, Hansel stood outside the door watching his greedy sister gobble up everything. The witch tried luring Hansel into the house using the candy, but he stood still, watching her eat. "Why don't you come in little boy?"

Credits to: Bethany

(410 words)

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