A Whole New World

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                    Meanwhile in another world, 20 minutes earlier before the incident occurred, there was a huge building taking place in a city called Capsule Corporation. Inside the Capsule Corporation, there is a female scientist named Bulma, who is the second daughter of Capsule Corporation's founder Dr. Brief and his wife Panchy, and the mother of Trunks. She is also a technological and scientific genius who can turn her talents to almost any field with her inventions and the resources of Capsule Corporation, she can even understand alien technology. Bulma is down at her lab doing some lab work, probably creating something of the sorts. Till then, her son, Trunks, has come to her lab and asked her something.

Trunks: Hey, Mom? Do you know where dad is?

Bulma: Probably doing what he knows best. Always training..

Trunks: Well, I was wondering if he is still taking me to the amusement park.

Bulma: Huh? He's taking you to the amusement park? Ok that's new from him.

Trunks: Yeah.. he'd promised that he would take me after our training together.

Bulma: Did he now..Well I can tell you this Trunks. Once I'm free, we'll definitely go to the amusement park as a family.

Trunks: R-Really?!

Bulma: Yeah! Me and your father will definitely take you!

Trunks: *He smiles happily and shows a joyful expression on his face* Thanks Mom!

                     Trunks leaves the lab with joy, Bulma returning a smile back at Trunks before he fully leaves the room. After that, Bulma goes back and continues on doing her lab work productively. A few minutes later, in the middle of the grassy field, there were two people standing across from each other. There is a man, wearing an orange colored gi with a symbol on it and has a unique hairstyle, standing in his signature combat stance with an excited smirk glued to his face with beads of sweat dropping down on his slightly injured body, and the man's name is Goku. A man that is standing across from Goku, wearing a blue battle suit with the white armor overtop the outfit and has spiky hair, standing in his signature combat stance with an smirk in his face with an injured body as well, and he is pretty shorter than Goku, that man's name is Vegeta, Goku's rival.
                      A few seconds later, both Goku and Vegeta rushes towards each other, leaving a strong gust of wind behind them, and delivers a powerful punch, making their fist collide on impact. As it did, it released a small, powerful shockwave. Goku drew back his fist and attacked him with a blow in the stomach, then using his foot to kick him into a small boulder, but, Vegeta, after taking the blow to the stomach, he blocked the kick with his hands, getting pushed back into a small boulder with less damage given to him. Then, Vegeta instantly flew back at Goku and went for a knee to the face, but Goku backflipped away, barely grazing his face. Moreover, Goku also gains some distance from Vegeta as he charges up a blast attack from his hands.

Goku: Kamehameha!

*From his palms came a bright blue energy beam that sped towards Vegeta. But before that happens, Vegeta jumps back to gain some distance away from Goku after he misses his knee attack. He then charges up a blast attack from his hands as well. As he sees Goku's Kamehameha, he fires back his own purple energy beam attack at it*

Vegeta: Galick Gun!

*The beams connected and immediately exploded, shaking the battlefield as a result.*

Goku: Woah! That was a big one, Vegeta! I'm still tingling from that blast.

*Goku was not lying. There were small vibrations in the air that steadily grew more powerful. Vegeta looks around in curiosity as he also feels the vibrations, knowing it wasn't their blast that has started this phenomenon. Till then, the vibrations slowly and surely are growing more powerful*

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