i just sit here and wait

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he nervously fidgeted in front of his mirror.

he's always been an attractive guy. slim but toned body, full head of hair, and a pretty face to top it all off. but he felt so uncomfortable in his own skin lately.

sometimes he wished he could fly away with his mind and abandon his body for a few days.

blake was on his way. although he spent years as his best friend, adam couldn't help the nervousness that overwhelmed his body.

he finished getting dressed; a black long sleeves sweatshirt and some blue jeans. he wanted to look good for blake. he didn't want the country singer to see him and think he didn't have his life together. whether he did or not, he wasn't gonna give blake the satisfaction of thinking he's coming to "save" adam.

he sat by his phone waiting for a text or a call to let him know blake was here. instead he got the obnoxious knocking on his door.

he got up and stormed his way to the door. the audacity of blake to not talk to him for years and then just pretend like they were best buds just because he had the decency to reach out.

he opened the door wide open ready to rip blake a new one, when suddenly he was pushed by the weight of blake grabbing his head and lunging at him.

for a milli second he feared his life. after all he was in a small empty town in his small cottage home he was renting that no one knew about because he cut everyone off. blake could easily kill him and get away with it.

but what he got wasn't a maniac hurting him, instead he felt wet sloppy kisses being placed all over his face; everywhere except his lips.

he groaned in disgust and disproval as the familiar scent of blake invaded him. the moans he made as he plopped each kiss on adams face, and the wet kiss marks he left on his face; he remembered it all too well.

despite himself, he put his two hands on blake's chest and shoved as hard as he could, blake's back slamming against the door gently. he was eye to eye with the giant now, and blake had a wide smile on with his blue shiny eyes staring at adam.

"what you didn't miss me?" he said with a grin.

it irritated adam. "fuck you" he said as he turned his back to blake, walking away.

that was until blake grabbed his arm and pulled him back into his grasp; this time shoving adams face in his chest and nuzzling his hair.

"let me go blake i'm not fucking joking" adam became increasingly annoyed.

"say you missed me first" blake replied, sighing a satisfied sigh into his hair.

"fuck no let me fucking go" he tried so hard to fight blake but the man was much bigger than him.

"i know you want thi-" blake cut himslef off with a groan as he released adam and crouched his body.

adam was finally free. he knew the quickest way to get out was to aim for the older man's balls, and he was right.

"why are you even here?"

"adam." blake said standing up and regaining his balance. his tone turned serious.

"how've you been?"

"fine." he answered defensively.

"good that's good... you look good"


blake was getting nervous.

"i'm staring to feel like you don't want me here"

"gosh why would i feel that way" adam said annoyingly. "maybe it has something to do with how shitty of a friend you are." adam poked his finger in blake's chest. "i don't even know why you came here. why you thought it was ok for you to walk in here and kiss me and hug me like you didn't abandon me when i needed you the most for years." rage was filling his body now.

"i know" blake sighed, "i'm a horrible horrible person. ok? i'm admitting to that"

"i don't need you to admit to shit," adam interrupted, "i already knew that."

"i know. but adam... it doesn't have to be like that anymore. i... i just want to make amends."

"well that's certainly good for you. i don't. so if that's all you came to say then you can leave now."

blake looked at him with hurt in his eyes. "do you want me to leave?"

adam stared in his eyes putting on his best mean face and said, "yes."

the sadness in blake's eye turned to amusement and adam could tell he was holding back a smile. "no you don't"

"fuck you yes i do" adam said angrily.

"ok" blake said defeated turning towards the door. with his hand on the door handle he tuned back and said, "i know you think i don't care... or that i never did... but i do. i asked about you a lot. i asked james, mickey, i called your brother. i worried about you for a while."

adam stared at him, not really sure what blake wanted him to say.

"listen, gwen's gonna be gone for a bit. she's going to paris to work on her clothing line. adam... i thought maybe" blake stumbled on his words, "since your already traveling around" he took in a breath, "that maybe i could join you."

adam blinked. he... believed blake. he knew blake inside and out and he knew when the man was being sincere and when he wasn't. right now he was.

"i don't think that's a good idea." adam said. it wasn't was a no, but it was probably the closest his body would get to saying no.

blake must've taken that as a positive sign because his look of sadness went away. he smiled at adam and said, "i'll be in town for 3 more days. if at any moment you change your mind, pack a bag and give me a call."

"where would we even go?"

"i have a place in mind."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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