the unsinkable

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John's POV: 

I didn't want to go on this cruise. it would lead to a life of misery. 

I sat in the carrige, contemplatng, brooding. Martha was a nice girl but I didn't want her. 

or any woman for that matter. 

"Johnathan?" my dad's voce boomed. I snapped back, eyeing him. 

"yes father?" 

"what is the matter?" 

"nothing father." 

"youu are distant." 

"I am? wow, had no idea." 

he frowned at my disrespect but sad nothng. I felt bad, sure but an arranged marrige is not on my list of life.

you can't walk in on your son and say "hey, son, we're arranging a marrige for you so we have money! get on the boat." 

yeah, no. 

I stared back outside as we pulled inbto the dock. the boat was absolutely magnficent, towering over everyone and everythng. it was absolutely breathless. 

a servant opened the door, helping me out gently. as my father ordered everythng onto the boat, I looked around for an escape. 

I could jump- 

my father grabbed my arm. "lets go, son. your maiden awaits!" 

I glanced at the loaded dock once more. ths was my last look on London. 

I'll miss it. 

with a heavy sigh, I boarded.

Alex's POV:

drunken laughs, shouts, and slurs passed around us as I held my cards out. I had to win ths game, i can't spend another second in this stinkhole. My friend, Lafayette eyed my hand, uneasily. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "I got this, Laf. Be easy." 

"This is all our cash, Lex." He responded. Glumly. 

"Relax, I'm the best better in London. The tickets are as good as ours"

I glancd up at my opponent as he tapped the Titanic ticket nervously. he had a bad hand, I could see it in his eyes. 

sighing, he placed the cards on the table and pushed the ticket and money forward. 

Laf gaped in shock then hollared with joy.

I grinned slyly, punchung down my cards wth a satisfied woop. "YES! WE'RE GOING TO AMERICA!" 

the opponent shook hands, glumly but with an air of dignity. "good play, sir. better hurry, its leavin'." 

I collected my load, gleefully, as the waitress collected our drnkng glasses. I pulled her by the waist and kssed her flat on the mouth. 


she rolled her eyes and stomped on my foot, muttering under her breath. 

"try on one foot." 

my smile never wavered. I limped out, Laf supporting me, singng, screamng joy to all who passed. eccstatically. 

We rushed down the streets to the dock, screamng wth luggage. 

the steward glanced at us wearily. "inspection?" 

I dramatically gasped. "sir, we are Britsh citizens! OF COURSE we had inspection." 

he sighed, shakng his head. 

"welcome aboard." 

I high fives my companion, rushing aboard, inhaling with a smile. 

"in New York, You can be a new man." 

my spirits high, I left to find my room. 

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