050; and the training begins

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and the training begins

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and the training begins

practice has been alright though i cant even join in on what the girls are doing. i pretty much stand there, watch the girls do different routines then tell them if i think it's good and needs changes.

that's basically it.

it fucking sucks. i'm not the cheer coach, i wish they'd stop treating me like one.

it's been a few weeks since i got my cast off. the other day i got my stitches out and woah, my scar is so cool looking. it's like a lightening bolt.

i don't care to hide it, the boys think it's pretty cool. i'm a shark attack survivor, i want people to know that i survived this.

i arrived at arrowhead at around 11:30. i headed inside and went to the field immediately. i spotted the girls all standing by the benches, discussing things.

once i approached them, i spoke up, "hey girls, what's up?" i asked with a smile.

"nothin really," gab answered with a shrug while smiling, "i cant get over your scar, julie. it's so cool."

i smiled and glanced down at my leg, "thanks."

"i have some good news for you julie," lea said, pulling out her phone. i nodded, "spill it."

"your doctor from the hospital sent me an email the other day saying that you can start your training!" she exclaimed happily.

"training for what?" i asked with a confused look on my face.

lea's happy mood faded, "for your leg. remember?"

"oooohhhh," i started laughing, making them look at me weirdly, "now i remember. so when do i start?"

"today," lea informed.

"oh, okay," i didn't expect to start so soon but im pretty hyped. lea went on to tell me that every monday, wednesday and friday i'd be going to the trainer after practice and this trainer happened to be the same trainer that trains patrick.

when i heard that news, i was really happy. i glanced at him from where i was and smiled as he and travis were throwing the ball to each other.

he was wearing no shirt which was a first and i could not keep my eyes off of him.

"hey girls!" i jumped at the voice and turned with a groan as madelyn and mia walked over, smiling at my friends and i, "what are we going to do today?" mia asked curiously.

cheerleader, patrick mahomes Where stories live. Discover now