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It was the beginning of winter during November in a far-off land isolated from the rest. There were creatures, but in this land lived only man kind. 

The population was not more than 10000, and they all lived together, saved themselves and their families from the unknown dangerous, and creatures described my their elders outside . The myths were so scary that they had never left or let anyone out of the land in the past 50 years.

The myths were before the isolation "All creatures of this world used to live together," but then why are man kind hiding and from whom? All these questions came up. The time had come now the kids had grown up, have become curious to see if those are creatures are myth or was it in reality that there was something so dangerous outside waiting for them?

The mankind was becoming greedy, and the division of wealth, power, and beauty began. This was a cage for some but a castle for some, too. 

Their future was unknown, perhaps it was destined or fate that the time had come for these myth to be seen again.

The destiny had chosen the ones to seek the truth and become a part of history. 

Over time, there were rulers now called king and the kings family they were the richest in the land. You know, where rich people are there poor people are there too. 

Let's focus on one of them,

A poor family of the land, Azalea and Theodore, their parents had arranged their wedding, and during that time, there wasn't a vast difference between the rich and the poor. They were from the poor, and they became more over time. They both had seen big dreams together but couldn't fulfill them, so the task was upon their children to make it possible.

During this period there was something people lacked thinking about the life of kings in other words rich people they had a secret which they protected and one of the reason going outside the village was frightening maybe because they made it to be? These poor people had no idea what happened outside. 

The time had come towards the revolution, The destiny began

The first baby girl was born in the poor family of Azalea and Theodore. They were all happy, but not for long, that she had realized the struggles they went through. She was naive and extremely stubborn her parents loved her, and she loved them too.

Her biggest goal was to change their lives. She was determined to do it for them and be free and explore this vast world. Her parents were struggling to keep up with everything. She was grown up always seeing it, and she had enough of the sadness. She was the oldest 22 year old young lady Tyira.

Her parents loved children so they had five kids; She the Oldest was lady Tyira who was now 22, the Second Thomas who was 19, the Third lady Thialea is 16 and her twin sister the Fourth was lady Tana and the Fifth Azer who is 9 this was the big family of Mr.Theodore and Mrs.Azalea. They were a family living in a small house altogether.

Tyira had started feeling the pressure of becoming successful and powerful for her family and started helping others, but will she crush under it or not? will she become successful in finding the way out or getting lost in the darkness?

So let's began~


 Tyira is Ta-ye-ra , 

Azalea is A-za-lea, 

Thaialea is Th-ia-lea, 

Tana is Ta-na 

Azer is an A-zer. 

[Hello, pretty people, I agree these names are weird, but it has to be because of the story them. I apologize.]

Author ttee, 

Greetings, pretty people, I hope you all like the introduction and read further and join me in this journey with Lady Tyira. Thank you for reading this story and continuing. Don't forget to vote and comment below. If you like so far, go ahead and my other story, "Will I ever be happy" ? It actually has a very different theme the this but you can check it out, right?   > . <  Also, I know I'm not a great or good writer at all, but I sincerely wanna say this pleases, I wouldn't like if anyone try's to copy work. Please don't. I will update you soon. I've to complete my previous story. I just wanted to give the introduction.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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