the waking

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Knowing there isn't a lot of vocaloid fukase fanart or pictures so if you see a random picture with red hair just imagine that is vocaloid fukase as [M/N])
[And short chapter for now]

You awoken in darkness scared and afraid you quickly snapped up to only bash your head on something making you cry in pain a little.

You rub you're head from the pain soon gently touch around to realize that you was in a coffin that kinda creep you out. You behind to push hard on the door but soon a loud crash of the coffin door flying that scared a unknown person and perhaps a raccoon with fire on it's ears.

You stepped out of the coffin and began to look around before snapping you're head at the poor boy that flinched as did the Racoon.

M/n:"You there where am I and who are you"

Yuu:"I-I'm Yuuka H-Hirasaka but call Me Yuu but I d-don't know where we are..."

M/n:"Dammit I'm gonna kill whoever brought me here and who the hell is this raccoon?"


Yuu grabbing grim covering his mouth panic a bit knowing you are already angry and he doesn't know what you'll do. You glare a bit before looking down to realize that you are wearing a robe and a oversized hood.

M/n:"Who the hell put me in this crap"

Before Yuu could answer Grim begin to yell at you as what Grim did to Yuu before Grim could threatened you, Grim scream at you when you look down at him glaring at the poor cat.

Even so you're head was covered Grim can see your red (glowing) Eyes <Not actually glowing but looks like it when its dark>)

Yuu:"What no he's not my Familiar!"

M/n:"Mm... not yours so perhaps he sneak in this strange place"

Yuu nodded as Grim began to scream making Yuu flinch before you could understand what was happening Yuu had grabbed you and ran away from Grim.

You glare a bit angrily but was also surprised that Yuu actually grabbed you when Grim started throwing Fire at them. You're eye's soften at Yuu that he was worried for yoy even so you can't die but can feel pain.

Yuu had stopped at what looks like a library of course you wasn't out of breath but Yuu did. Yuu quickly apologized at you for dragging you all around to get away from Grim.

Yuu:"M-My apologies um...sorry you didn't tell me your name.."

M/n:"I'm M/n..L/n and it's okay thx for saving me through I was suprise that you human would help someone like me"

Yuu:"Huh what do you mean-Ahh what the?!"

You and Yuu saw blue fire as you slowly realized where you saw it from soon it was correct it was the raccoon. All of the sudden A whip came out of nowhere tied the grim up.




You stared at the two bickering till you got a closer look at the man making you think of what on earth of God who made him. You kept looking at the man to figure out what hybrid this man is not releasing that the Crow is now looking at you.

???:"You person standing quietly come here with the other student"

You snapped out of thought now looking at the crow that held the Racoon by the neck as Yuu stood beside him.

(Look through allyssa and fix)

Then a loud very loud yell wonder who yell it was yep it was from Crowley and wonder what he was yelling you may ask? Crowley yelled Certainly Not While slamming the doors open,

???:"Ahh, He's back"

You look up and saw a lot of people so many people that made you confused seeing people wearing the same color but different colors but you didn't mind it.

Crowley and you begin to walk as some people look at You and Yuu shuddered a bit from being stared at.

Crowley:" Of all ridiculousness we were missing two of our newest students so I took it upon myself to go Retrieve them"

Crowley turned to you and Yuu that stood behind him soon Crowley Grab Yuu pushing him In Front of the mirror.

Crowley:"Now then Yuu go up to the mirror to be sorted you so please present yourself to the Dark Mirror as you take the hood off as you say your name"

You watch Yuu go up to the mirror as you can tell that Yuu was scared of course you felt a but bad for the boy.

Mirror:"State Thy name"

Yuu:"Y-yuuka...Hirasaka but call Me Yuu..."

It went quiet for a while later the mirror began to speak.

As you stepped towards the mirror as you can feel all eye on you as you walk to the mirror. You chuckle to yourself but scared but you saw them whisper to each other about your figure and the stare that never left your face, The mirror froze for a bit as eyes widen at you. but begin to speak to you as others waiting for the response.

Mirror:"State Thy name"

M/n:"M/n L/n

The mirror eye's widen from shock as he begin to speak as others was confused of of how the mirror acted.

Mirror:"This person has been pushed down and been dragged around jealous of his power that says its the cursed power.."

Gasped could be heard around the room as a smile shown on the short, but older vampire began to smile. Lilia begin to gleamed happily till he saw sebek was glaring at the cloaked man.

Lilia immediately nudge him harshly making sebek flinch from the hard nudge as he rub his shoulder,

M/n:"Excuse me Crowley~"
You chuckle under the hood as you grin big as you lift both hands up to calm the Crow down, Crowley sigh as he held his chest cause he isn't used to being scared but he shook it off but he knew what you was about to ask as he pointed where he supposed to go to,

You grin before you could walk over Crowley Grab your shoulder as you turn to look at him as you tilted your head,

Crowley:"If I may ask if you can take off your hood for a moment please"

You gently lifted the hood off of you as they now could see your soft fluffy hair and face.
They look horrified that one of the beautiful males past out of what they saw your side of your face shown marks on your face and you're neck also the arm.

What took them off was your left eye was Fully red like a ruby now what question is what in the world are you.

[Sorry for the short chapter I am having problems with the books for some reason its not letting me post pictures when I get one on it deleted its self if anyone have the same problem tell me or people know how to fit it tell me I want to know how to fit the problem)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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