Always like a warm wind blowing around you..

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A man knocked down when he heard doctor's words.. The doctor stopped for a while but continued saying "Steph has 3 months to live and soon slowly the medicines would stop working on him."The man who was in his early 50's sat there with tears in eyes and the doctor consoled him..

Doctor Nishant, a cardiologist who was also sad seeing the reports of his dearest friend with whom he has been friends more like brother's all his life was now near his death bed and he can't save him..

After some time, Doctor Nishant and the man marched towards Steph's hospital ward . Opening the door of Steph's ward they saw Steph laying on the bed with many wires attached to him talking with his little sister and his mother that how he will celebrate his sisters birthday which was in coming month..

He saw his friend and his Dad Steve standing at the door with tears on their eyes.. He understood the reports were not in his favours and asked "How many months?" Steve, his dad said "Three months" and lowers his head..

His mother and sister started crying but Steph exhaled a deep breath and smiled..
Noticing Steph smiling Nishant asked him "Why are you smiling?" Steph looked at everyone in the ward and said " I am smiling because I have 3 months to live my life with you all and i can celebrate my sister's birthday all the way I want to and i can fulfill my wishes left in my bucket list."

A leap of 3 months , a white cloth was covering a man who had a smile on his face and soon was going to be buried in his cementery..
Seeing his smile they remembered how Steph celebrated his little sister birthday in a very grand way and surprising her with lots of gifts that she wanted and also completed all the wishes left in his bucket list as he promised them..

At  Present ,
His family and friends had tears with a small smile on their faces as Steph had made them promise that they will not cry as he will not be there to wipe there tears..
His family and Nishant remembered his last words "" You all should be happy that I will be free from all pain that these everyday machines and injection gives me .. Don't cry feeling my absence as I will always be there for you like a warm wind blowing around you .."" he smiled and closed his eyes which was followed by a loud beep from the machine ...

Author's note ,
Hey this is my first Short story..
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