Larissa Weems - Rave'N - Part 2

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Larissa's hand was resting on your waist as you walked together around Jericho.

You were almost smiling still replaying the previous night in your mind.

The music echoed in your mind as you reminisced about yourself dancing in Larissa's arms.

Her smile and her touch were the only things you could feel.

Her little words of encouragement because you were surpassing yours by being in the public eye and hearing everybody talking and commenting about you.

But right then it was just the two of you.

Walking through the roads of Jericho with your crush - now girlfriend.

" Sooo... Did you like last night's... rituals ? " Larissa suddenly spoke.

You turned to her raising an eyebrow. " But we didn't do any rituals yesterday. "

Larissa gave you a look and your face shone when you understood what she meant.

Your cheeks reddening ( always slightly ) as you looked at the ground. " Yeah... It was so much fun. "

The shapeshifter chuckled at you shaking her head. " So, losing your virginity was... fun ? "

You bit your lip swallowing hard. " Well... I like being held like that... "
You said referring to the way she held you against her afterwards.

You had told her while playing with her hair that you weren't used to hugs, touching and generally any kind of affection.

She had just smiled at you, assuring you that it was alright and that you had nothing to feel uncomfortable with her.

Larissa kissed your cheek pulling you closer to her. " I liked holding you like that, too. "

You stopped walking looking deadly serious at her, totally out of the blue.

Larissa froze. She thought that you liked that, why did your mood change so abruptly ?

You took a deep breath mustering all of your power, resulting in Larissa's concern increasing.

And then the sides of your lips tugged upwards, slowly but steadily.

And Larissa's concern faded away.

You literally, stopped in the middle of the street, to smile at her.

Larissa watched as the most cringe and funny smile on your face.

Someone would probably tell you that you were crazy, but Larissa was on the verge of tears.

Your girlfriend found it amazing and cute how you wanted to show her that you wanted her; that she was making you happy.

Larissa bent her head down to press her forehead against yours.

You hummed happily raising your hands to caress her cheeks.

She smiled at you and kissed you on the lips.

You felt her tongue lick your bottom lip before bending her head more to deepen the kiss.

You moaned into it while she grabbed her shoulders for support and you stepped on your tiptoes to be even closer to her.

" Please, tell me that you weren't that jealous that you got yourself... that girl. "

Suddenly a voice interrupted you.

You immediately drew back and glared at Morticia who was looking down at you with disgust.

Gomez next to her shifted uncomfortably but didn't dare speak against or in favor of his girlfriend.

Larissa's eyes widened gazing at her roommate. She knew that Morticia wasn't fond of you but she never thought that she would dare say that in front of you.

" Morticia... Good morning. I hope that you had a great time last night.
" Larissa greeted her friend placing her hands on your shoulders.

She felt your tensed shoulders under her fingertips and she tried to help you relax by giving a slight pressure on your shoulders.

Her try was futile.

You looked daggers at the girl who dared not only interrupt your kiss but also talked so... lowly of you.

Morticia smiled at her friend squeezing her boyfriend's hand. " Yes... Gomez and I spent the whole night together... "

Gomez looked at her before turning to Larissa with a sad smile. " Yes... It was wonderful ! And I had the honor to see that the dancing lessons paid off ! " He then looked at you with a smile.

You raised an eyebrow at him. A few days back you were planning how to murder him to get your girl but now... he was... smiling at you ?

Larissa gave him a thankful smile. " Yes ! Gomez, I couldn't be more thankful for your help. " She kissed the top of your head wrapping her hands around you.

This way Larissa wasn't only showing her affection toward you but was taking you the chance of storming toward Morticia and doing the unspeakable.

Gomez opened his mouth to compliment you and Larissa, probably telling you that the height difference made the two of you even cuter together, but the vicious girl standing by his side cut in.

" I'm so glad knowing that all of your efforts were not in vain... but then again; you could go after a better girl, could you not ? "

You swallowed hard. You didn't want to give her the satisfaction that she was affecting you but her words felt like knives slicing you.

Your eyes slightly watered looking up at Larissa.

The girl looked down at you feeling her whole being filling with panic.

Your face was still expressionless but your eyes were giving your feelings away.

Morticia was trying to break her up with the girl she liked because of her jealousy.

You ' stole ' her fencing trophy after all.

" Mon amour ! " Gomez called frowning at his partner.
Morticia ignored him looking at you with triumph.

She was winning and she knew that.

Only one look at Morticia was needed and Larissa's panic was replaced with rage.

The great, perfect at anything Morticia was trying to take yet another thing from her.

Larissa wasn't going to let you go that easily.

" You may not like Y/N, but I do. You have no right to tell me who to like as well as belittle Y/N due to your own feelings toward her. Now, if you excuse us but we had such a great time without you. Gomez, I won't forget your aid, remember that. " Larissa declared.

By the end of her statement, Morticia's eyes had widened and Gomez was smiling as he was both happy for his friend and grateful for her acknowledging his help.

Your eyes were wide open, pretty much similar to Morticia's but your lips formed the tiniest smile of them all.

Larissa took your hand in hers and led you away from the couple with no further word.

You followed her until you reached the coffee shop to have your brunch.

She led you inside the building, chose a booth near the corner and sat on the sofa pulling you next to her.

" Larissa. " You whispered resting your head on her shoulder.

The girl didn't look at you, focusing her attention on the menu she had already read hundreds of times. " Yes ? "

You kissed the crook of her neck and nuzzled it. " Thank you. For everything. "

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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