Chapter 4

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I cried myself to sleep. My my makeup stained the pillows, black. All night I kept thinking of Zayn, and how worried he must be. I tossed and turned and sometimes wept loudly. I wept so loud that Niall came in from the other room to see what was the matter.

"Let me go home." I cried as he sat at the edge of the bed. He frowned at me.

"No." He replied. "I don't want you to leave me. Ever."

"You can't keep me here." I protested. "That's kidnapping."

"Nobody will ever know." He huffed.

I reached for my phone and pulled it out. "I'll call the cops if you don't let me go home right now." I said, waving my phone in his face.

He tried to snatch the phone out of my hand but I rolled over and tucked it underneath my body. He began to get annoyed. I felt him grab my arms tightly and pull me off the bed. I screamed and kicked my legs but he wouldn't let go. He pinned me to the ground and straddled himself on top of me, holding my arms down.

"I said you're not leaving." He spat. He held me down until I stopped squirming. His body towered over me. He stared at my chest, then my face. "I wanna make love to you." He stated.

I shivered at his words. The thought made me cringe. My heart was hitched in my throat, I had no words. I felt so weak when he was on top of me. Like I was helpless.

He began to undress me.

He slid his hands down the rim of my shorts. I whimpered as he ran his strong, rough, hands along my waist line. Slowly, his hands traveled up my shirt, cupping my breasts.

"Please stop." I whined as I attempted to shove him off of me. "Why me?"

"You're just so sexy." He whispered as he neared my face, and licked my cheek.

"Let me sleep." I groaned.

He rolled off of me and stood up, holding his hand out to help me up. I ignored the gesture and went straight to bed. As did Niall.

I waited till he left the room to scan for a quick escape. All that I saw was a small window above the dresser. Could I even fit through there? What if he caught me? These are just some risks I'm going to have to take.

I waited 20 minutes before getting up, and creeping over to the dresser. I picked up a bin and sat it down next to the dresser so I could get up. The dresser shook when I carefully stepped both of my feet on it, making noise each time. I stood there making sure Niall didn't hear. When the coast was clear, I propped the window open and began squeezing through to the outside. As I was squeezing through the window, I knocked over a glass bottle of body spray and it shattered on the ground. My heart started to race and I panicked.

"What was that?" Niall yelled from the other room. I said nothing. I heard footsteps come into the room. "Where do you think you're going?" He grabbed my ankles and tried pulling me back in. I kicked my feet until he let go and I squirmed out and scurried to my feet and ran. I heard a door slam behind me and someone was hollering my name. Luckily I had my phone with me.

I ran around the corner into an alley and hid behind a large dumpster. My hands were shaking so much that I couldn't hold my phone right. The tears built up in my eyes and the screen was just a massive blurry mess. I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. "Calm down, Cameron." I whispered to myself.

I brought up Zayn's name and began writing a text to him. I was half way through the message when I heard Niall turn into the alley way. I sent the unfinished text and clutched my phone, praying that he didn't hear me. His breathing was heavy and he walked very slow.

"You better hope I don't find you." He said as he scanned the alley for me. "You gave me a bloody nose when you kicked me." He hissed.

He knew I was behind the dumpster. He was playing games with me.

"I'll give you a 5 second head start. Start running." He spat as he came jumped around the dumpster, laughing at me. I dropped my phone and jumped to my feet.

"Help me!" I screamed as loud as I could. Niall wrapped his arms around me and covered my mouth.

"Nobody can hear you!" He hollered. "Help help help!" He mocked me. "Somebody help!"

I struggled to get out of his grip. "Please let me go home." I begged. He brought me to the cold, brick wall and held me there.

"Calm down okay. Calm down. I'm not gonna fucking kill you." He said in a low voice.

I stopped squirming and did what he said because I knew what he was capable of. I heard things about him, like he abused his exes and used them. His reputation was terrible.

I heard a car squeal and come to a stop at the end of the alley. It looked like Zayn's car. I had no other choice but to make a run for it. Even if it wasn't Zayn, I would rather be with a complete stranger than be with Niall Horan for another 5 minutes.

I brought my knee up and kneed him in the groin. He grunted and fell to the ground holding himself. I started running towards the car. I was running so fast that it felt as if my feet weren't even touching the ground. I looked back at him, he was still on the ground.

"You keep running..." He yelled as he laid there in agony. "I'll find you! You hear me? I'll fucking find you!"

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