Virgo and Virgoans - All About Your Sign

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Virgo is an astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Virgo. Under the tropical zodiac, Virgo is occupied by the Sun from August 23 to September 22, and under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently from September 17 to October 17. The opposite sign to Virgo is Pisces.

Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac and associated with purity and service. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a intelligent, diligent, analytical, self-sufficient, controlled, orderly, and modest character, but one which is also prone to fussiness, perfectionism, harsh criticism, coldness, and hypochondria. In terms of anatomy, Virgo is said to rule the abdominal region, large and small intestines, spleen, solar plexus, lower lobes of the liver, pancreas, portal veins, umbilicus, hands, nails, and carpal bones. In terms of geography Virgo is linked with Turkey, Greece, Brazil, Uruguay and the Caribbean. According to some astrologers Virgo is a barren sign.

Virgo is traditionally thought to be ruled by the planet Mercury. However, during the late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century it was speculated in certain astrological circles the planet Vulcan, thought to be located near Mercury, was the true planetary ruler of Virgo. Today, some astrologers believe the dwarf planets Sedna and Eris are or will be the planetary rulers/co-rulers of Virgo. Many astrologers who study the powerful asteroid Chiron, known as "the wounded healer", believe it has the best claim upon the rulership of Virgo. Currently, the vast majority of astrologers still think of Mercury as the planetary ruler of this sign.

Physically, individuals born under the sign of Virgo supposedly tend to have a graceful figure, a roundish head, full and delicately shaped lips, perfect teeth, a clear complexion, large and clear eyes, small, symmetrical, and refined features, a high forehead, a thin nose, coarsely textured hair, and thin eyebrows. They are thought to usually be of slightly above average height.

According to one interpretation, the Virgo constellation depicts Astraea, the virgin daughter of the god Zeus and the goddess Themis. Astraea was known as the goddess of justice, and was identified as this constellation due to the presence of the scales of justice (Libra) nearby, and supposedly ruled the world with her wise ways until mankind became so callous she returned to skies, disgusted.

In mythology Virgo is often associated with the mythological figure of Omphale, Queen of Lydia, from the myth of Heracles. Virgo is also associated with the Greco-Roman god Hermes/Mercury and sometimes the goddesses Athena/Minerva, Demeter/Ceres, Astraea, Eris/Discordia, Ate and Hestia/Vesta and the gods Hephaestus/Vulcan, Loki, Asklepios/Aesculapius and Veles.

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