Chapter 1

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Being in the chopper held no safety over the male blonde. He could have been dead, free from all this mess but plans had been changed last minute to ensure his safety. And now, he was sat next to his wife, Mia, cradling their child close to himself as he became derealisation. Just under the 24-hour mark, the male had to repeat the worse of his days once again. It seemed no matter what breaks he was given; he was never able to truly escape the grasp of lies being floated around him. Even having his child in his arms, knowing his understanding of being all mold, he felt as though something was still missing- he knew something else was missing...but what?

Light taps had been hitting his shoulder, yet he chose to ignore them. He wouldn't be able to pull out his mind for a while to come, and yet he didn't see why his thoughts that engulfed him should be interrupted. He had every right to ignore everyone. All the thieving liars. "Ethan, we know your mad." His wife's words had reached out to him, leaving him to hold their child closer to his chest. The movement went unnoticed by his wife luckily. He wouldn't let his baby girl go, not after everything that had happened to them both in this shithole of a village. "Please Ethan, speak to us." Mia's voice had sounded desperate, as though she truly meant she wanted to hear him talk back.

"Tch." The simple sound left his lips as he moved to look upon his once everything, the person he was really meant to truly love yet couldn't find the lingering feeling of that word at the given moment. To him now, it seemed Mia was nothing but a classic wolf in sheep's clothing. "And say what exactly," He sneered, shaking his head as he gazed down to stare at his daughter who was sleeping soundly as she cuddled closed to his sanded coat, she was wrapped in. "And say I forgive, that we can be a normal happy family." Mia bit her bottom lip, fingers twitching to place on her clearly shaken husband's arm, yet she didn't dare to touch him anymore after his words directed at her show no mercy in actually wanting anything such as a civil conversation with her.

"I know I lied- many of us did to you, but we are trying to protect you!" She leaned forward in her seat, trying to capture Ethan's attention. His eyesight never left the bundle of his girl but his facial expression shifted into furrow brow and a forced small smile.

"Protect me. Everyone says that- even in those cheap romantic movies they say that. How can I be the one to be protected when our daughter here was almost killed for someone else's sickening needs. That someone you knew clearly well. You're protecting me? Since when have you ever protected me. All this trouble, everything that has happened was all because you let yourself get mixed up in all the trouble you see."

"Ethan," A deep warning tone came from the front of the chopper. A wider male leaned his body to the side to peer over the chair he was sat in. He stared at the two partners that sat on a metal bench with an intense glare that was mostly was directed at the male. "Anger doesn't get any of us anywhere. We have explaining and so do you." His words cancelled out any further arguments between the married couple, leaving them all in silence as the mixed of harsh and soft breathing had been heard through the headsets they all wore.

Ethan took a deep breath in and out, calming his racing heartbeat that was making him feel slightly dizzy "Is there anything else I should be aware about," Thankfully, he was quickly responded back by Redfield, the wider male at the front who wasted no time in explaining everything that seemed important.

"Those...Lords have been found alive and are being taken by other members of my squad to be reported back at the base. Seems you never actually killed them. We are planning to run tests on them and then we will let the higher ups decide what out next move shall be with them." The mention of those Lords sent a sick bug down Ethan's throat. Knowing they were alive had him questioning his own safety now. Would they want to kill him for trying to kill them? Because they are mutated like himself would he be placed to go against them, for all of them to become Lab Rats to the BSAA? What would happen to his daughter-

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