Mouldy Situation

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Ethan, the blonde father, had bundled himself up in a thick cover he had taken off his bed in his new home. The night had only begun to take over, the rain storm outside had pattered against the roof and windows of his den. It was times like this that he had slight regret over the fact he could have just tried to convince Chris to place him and his daughter somewhere else. Maybe then this night wouldn't be cold because of the timed heating system in place- maybe he just goes over and ask Dimitrescu if he could sleep over with Rose.

That thought he quickly shook out. As far as he was concern, he didn't want to get too friendly with his neighbours. He still had his walls up, ready to attack if it meant his Rose could be safe. The father was already worried about the fact that his daughter would also ned to have tests run on her. The thoughts simple didn't sit right with him, but it wasn't like he could just straight up disagree with whatever the BSAA wanted to do. He was no match for any of them...or maybe he was?

A ring caught his attention, vibrating his thoughts out of his skull. Drifting brown eyes caught onto the rotary phone. 'Heisenberg' The father thought, a hand itching to grab the phone. With finger tips just glazing over the phone, he quickly withdrew his hand back to his chest and cradled it with the other. "Should I though?" He pondered out loud, watching as the phone carried on ringing. "To hell with it." Ethan had reached and grabbed the phone before the ringing could stop. Reaching the phone to his ear, he held it and waited for the other to speak.

"Ah papa! Thought you would never answer," The gruff voice came out, a little glitch but that was due to the rain outside.

"Yeah. I wasn't going to." The truth spilled out with Ethan moving to lay back against the armrest of the couch and pulling his feet up to rest on the cushions. A laugh came out from the other side, making a twitching smirk come up upon the young male's lips.

"Ah, feisty as ever still. Relax, I won't call you every night. More or less 6 calls at most a week." Ethan rolled his eyes playfully, well aware the other couldn't see but he liked to think he did. "Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I wanted to call you on this fateful night."

"Hm," Ethan hummed, "It never crossed my mind but go ahead, seemingly you'll just keep calling if I placed the phone down now."

"That's the spirit papa, I still have an hour and 25 minutes anyway! So, I want to learn." It took a few seconds for Ethan to process the others words. 'Learn?' Why would Heisenberg, the fourth lord and creator of walking armed zombies want to learn?

'"Okay...What do you want to learn about?" The line had gone silent to the point Ethan had moved the phone a little away from his ear and craned his neck back as though the problem would be shown. His body soon jerked up when the familiar voice had answered back, startling the man.

"I want to know your interests." A simple answer, yet eerily uncomfortable to Ethan. He didn't like the sound of that one bit. Licking his lips as a way to calm his beating heart, Ethan relaxed back in his position and sighed through his nose.

"And why do you want to know my interests now?"

"Isn't it obvious. We are neighbours, bond to be for probably the rest of our lives so we might as well start getting homely with each other!" A prompt scoff and click of the tongue came from Ethan as he changed his position, with a little struggle, to sit back straight on the couch with legs dangling off the front and back pressed against the back cushions. He rested his elbow on the arm rest and placed his head on his hand.

"I am not staying here forever Heisenberg. After these tests, I'm going back to a normal life with my daughter away from all this." Unknowing to Ethan, Karl had taken much a liking to his protective nature. It was rather...tempting to mess with, to see how much further the male could go for his daughter- even after a close death.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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