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"Don't worry my darling, I am happy that it was your arms and not anyone else's." The villain-

No. His name was Liam. And he was the love of my life. And now he was dying and it was my fault. I was supposed to be the hero, and yet I don't feel very hero like at all. I glanced down at the sword that was currently impailing him, I put that there. I felt hot steaming tears roll down my cheeks before feeling a hand caressing my face and I held onto it gently as i looked down at Liam seeing the light slowly fading from them.

"Don't cry.. It was always meant to end this way. Me loving you and then dying peacefully in your arms." He smiled softly before coughing up some blood and wheezing slightly

"No! We were supposed to grow old and have kids and love each other forever! That was how it was supposed to end! Not like this!" I sobbed holding him against my chest

"I am a villain, you are a hero. We weren't supposed fall in love.." he said weakly

"I don't care! We could have loved each other anyways! I can't do this with out you! I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry.. " I cried more the tears becoming heavier

"I forgive you.." he said smiling up at me before his body stilled completely


No response

"Liam?!" I shook him slightly

No response

"No- nonononono-" I sobbed into his chest holding his body close before leaning up and letting out a heart wrenching scream as a crowd started to surround us

"My king-" a knight called softly from beside me as a gentle metal clad hand was placed on my shoulder

"No." I said roughly my voice wet with fresh tears

"But sire-" she said again

"Know your place Morgan." I ordered gruffly as i stood struggling to hold up Liam's tall lanky body with my own petite body as I carried his corpse through the crowds and immediately the cheering began. Their cheering slowly began to fade and was replaced by an irritating ringing- Why are they cheering?.. Can't they see I'm in pain?.. Can't they see that their other king is placed in my arms?.. What is wrong with them?..

Those questions raced through my head as a cold icy rage settled in my body as i carried my lover up the stairs of the palace. I set him down on the top stair before turning to the crowd glaring at the crowd and it went dead silent

"Your all cheering. Why? Your king, the love of my life, my reason to live, is dead. I killed him" my voice was barely over a whisper, but it seemed to resonate over the entire crowd. "You cheer for the death of The Terror, and yet you don't remember that there was never a death when any of the attacks happened. You boast about how he killed so many people, and yet every single one of those who you say were killed stand among the crowd. You wanted him dead?" I paused looking over the crowd "Well here he is! Laying on the ground at my feet. Your king, my lover, and now my heart as well." I said as i turned and walked up to the nearest guard "Get him a glass coffin and place it in his old chambers."

I walked into the castle not bothering to watch as the guards clamored around and went straight the chambers that I shared with Liam and immediately felt more ice surround my heart as a sob racked my body and i collapsed on the floor in a heap, my legs to weak to support me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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