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"You... killed... Haruka," Lord Naruto says slowly, each word laced with venom. "Why?!"

"Why?" I repeat, my eyes drooping as a new wave of pain courses through my chest. Naruto's accusation stings, and I can feel the guilt washing over me.

"Yes, Y/n, why?! There was no need for you to kill her!" he presses, his voice growing harsher.

"Why? You ask?" I say, tears welling in my red Mangekyo Sharingan. "I thought that if maybe I got better, stronger, that Sakura would care for me. But turns out I was wanting attention from someone who wasn't even my mother."

I turn to face the old Team 7, my expression broken, blood seeping from my eyes. The pain I've carried for so long is written all over my face, each scar a reminder of my suffering since the day Sarada left me behind.

"I thought that if I got better at what I do, then Mom would take notice of me," I say, my voice cracking. But I can't hold the Genjutsu any longer, and I let it drop, revealing every scar that Sakura and Katsushikki inflicted upon me.

Everyone's eyes widen at the sight of my body, the scars telling their own story. Even Daisuke seems shocked by the revelation. "Y/n, when did you do this?!" he shouts, his voice filled with alarm.

"Ever since Sarada left me in that alleyway," I say, my teeth grinding against each other. "Ever since she left me all by myself to get beaten up."

Those words leave my mouth, a crazed hysterical smile spreading across my lips, while bloody tears continue to stream down my face. The madness in my voice echoes in the silent training ground, as if my confession has left everyone speechless.

Katsushikki chuckles softly, his arm still draped around my shoulders. "So the cat's out of the bag," he says with wicked satisfaction.

"Yes, it is 'shikki. That's what you wanted, isn't it?" I reply, my voice trembling with fear. "But I know there's no way to stop you from taking over me, so... I don't care what happens to me anymore."

"You're too kind to me, Y/n," Katsushikki says, his tone almost gentle.

Sarada stands up, albeit unsteadily, holding her right arm as if she's trying to mend it. The impact from my attack has left her barely conscious, and her movements are sluggish, like she's fighting against passing out. She's still fifty metres away, her expression a mix of determination and pain.

"Y/N! Stop this now! PLEASE!" Daisuke yells again, his voice desperate. "JUST WAIT UNTIL THE OTHERS GET HERE! PLEASE!"

"The others?!" Lord Naruto asks, alarmed by the implication. "There are more?"

"More of our family," Kyo replies dismissively. "Y/N! Hold on until Mum, Dad, and Kira come. PLEASE, AREN'T YOU SICK OF THIS?!"

But Katsushikki has already tuned out my hearing, isolating me from the voices of those who care. My bangs fall over my forehead, shadowing my eyes. Another surge of pain and sadness ripples through me, and I feel Kawaki's emotions. He's collapsed on the floor, unconscious because of me.

"That's it, Y/n, feel pain," Katsushikki whispers. The black seal of Karma spreads across my left side, and the Rinnegan on my left eye activates, the dark aura spreading as she takes control once again.

"Sometimes I just want to feel happier," I say whispering which was the last thing I said before Katsushikkis horn grew on the left side of my head and my black karma now glowing a purple hue.

"Good girl," Katsushikki says praising me as I fully have no control over my actions and no control over who I hurt this time.

-Katsushikki pov-

Katsushikki forces Y/n's hand upward, extending toward Sarada, preparing for the final act. The hand trembles with resistance, but Katsushikki is stronger, her control over Y/n absolute. Sarada, barely holding on to consciousness, doesn't realize the danger until it's too late.

"Deva Path: Banshō Ten'in," Katsushikki says, his voice dripping with malice. The gravitational pull tears Sarada's eyes from their sockets, a grotesque sight that sends her collapsing to the ground, screaming in agony.

The others look on in shock, unable to comprehend what just happened. The speed at which the eyes were removed leaves everyone stunned and horrified, not realizing the true extent of Katsushikki's power.

Blood drips slowly from Y/n's hand, each drop echoing the tragedy that just unfolded. Katsushikki looks down at her hands, feeling the gelatinous texture of the eyes, their warmth fading. She quickly opens a seal and places the eyes within, securing them for Itachi to implant into Y/n later. It was all part of the plan—to give Y/n the Eternal Mangekyo, even if it meant destroying Sarada.

But before Katsushikki could make his next move, he feels four familiar chakras surrounding him. He's been cornered. The others are closing in, their expressions a mix of shock, anger, and determination. They won't stand by and let him destroy everything.

Katsushikki's lips curl into a sinister grin. "Fucking bitches," 

-timeskip- Y/n pov - 

The pain was there, a throbbing sensation that made it hard to breathe. I struggled to open my eyes, but they kept drooping shut. It felt like the weight of my body had doubled, making even sitting up a Herculean task. Eventually, I managed to get into a sitting position and looked around to assess my surroundings.

A clean, white curtain, a window beside the bed, and bouquets of wildflowers and periwinkle roses greeted me. The air smelled of antiseptic, a little bitter, with the artificial fragrance of hospital soaps and cleaners. It took me a moment to realize I was in a hospital.

The physical pain was bearable, but it was the emotional pain that felt insurmountable. It felt like my body wanted to shut down, the weight of everything crushing me. There was a tiny voice whispering in the back of my mind, growing louder with each passing second.

"Y/n!" a voice called from beside me, startling me from my thoughts.

Before I could react, I felt warm, muscular arms wrap around my frail body. One arm secured around my neck, the other around my waist, pulling me close. His head was buried in my neck, and I felt the warmth of his breath against my skin.

"Fuck," he mumbled.

"Kawa-" I began to say, but he cut me off.

"I thought I lost you," he said, his voice cracking. I felt warm tears trickling onto my neck.

I hugged him back, one arm around his chest, the other around his back. I held on tightly, tears soaking his shirt as I gripped the fabric.

"Kawaki, please," I choked out, "please don't kill me. I don't want you to hate me."

"Fuck, I'd never hurt you," he replied, his grip tightening around me. "I love you so much, so much."

"I love you too, Kawaki," I said, sobbing. "No one else compares to how I feel about you."

Our moment was interrupted by a loud voice bursting into the hospital room.

"Y/N, MY DEAR SISTER, HOW ARE YOU?" Daisuke yelled, his exuberance breaking the solemn atmosphere. Dad smacked him on the back of the head.

"Hush, Daisuke, we're in a hospital," he said, sweatdropping at his son's loudness.

"No need to hit me that hard, Dad," Daisuke replied, rubbing the back of his head.

Dad rolled his eyes and sighed. "I don't even know how Daisuke is your brother, Y/n."

"Y/n, I apologize for my dad, but I came to let you know that I already implanted Sarada's eyes into you and followed your procedure to put the extra Sharingan into Sarada while she was unconscious," Daisuke said. 

Dad said sternly, silencing both of them. "Now, Y/n and Kawaki, Lord Naruto wishes to see you both, now."

·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡

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edited; 04/may/2024

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