(2) the after party

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"Thank you for the party Ashley" you say smiling and grabbing your keys. You look for your phone but you can't find it anywhere. "Hey Sam, have you seen my phone I can't find it anywhere?" You say looking under the couch. "No sorry y/n I haven't but I'll help you look" sam said looking on the table and in the kitchen. "Maybe I left it upstairs I'll go check" you say walking up the stairs. When you get up the stairs you bump into Colby. "Woah watch out man" he said not knowing it was you. "Oh y/n what's wrong you seem stressed?" He said. "Oh it's nothing I just can't find my phone that's all" you say. "Well it doesn't seem like nothing to me here I'll help you look!" Colby says while checking in all the rooms and the bathroom "aha found it!" Colby lifts up a phone he found on the sink in the bathroom. "Oh my lord thank you you are a real lifesaver colby!" You say while on impulse hug him. You quickly let go realizing the mistake you've made "oh my god I am so sorry colby" you say in a hurry. Colby quickly hugs you back and squeezes you tight "your ok y/n you don't need to freak out" he then lets go and lifts your chin to look at him. You two stare at each other for a while when sam walks up the stairs. "What's going on here?" He smirks lightly. Colby let's go of your chin quickly and you two stand there awkwardly. "N-nothing sam" colby says blushing softly. You couldn't help but think what it would be like if things had took a turn, if sam never came upstairs... what would've happened...
*time skip*
Your walking out to your car when you hear the door open behind you, you hope it's Colby but it's just a stranger going home from the party. You get in your car and drive home. "Finally home!" You sigh as you park the car by the apartment complex you live in. You take out the Keys to the door, you unlock it than walk in. You take the elevator to your room and unlock the door to your apartment room and and go into your room. And get undressed than go into your bed and fall asleep.

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