Cold Island (2)

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It took a long time to convince Plutter to leave Gello's body. Zippora could mostly understand - he was mourning, and couldn't bear to leave the body of his most loved - but there was also an odd feeling about it. Gello had died trying to protect Plutter. Surely he'd realize he needed to leave, else Gello's sacrifice may be in vain?

But eventually, Zippora got Plutter to his feet, and the two of them left. While it knows the way to the base by now, Zippora still finds itself following the tracks left by Aric.

When they find their way there, Zippora hear worried chattering from the monsters inside. As it rounds the corner, it sees Thys laying on the ground, her brother Thatt nowhere to be seen, especially worrying considering they're conjoined twins.

Vilbur is desperately fidgetting with a roll of medical tape, trying to separate it to wrap around the visible tear where Thatt was ripped from Thys' body. Thys is wailing her heart out - in pain or in grief is to be determined. Plutter runs over to Thys, concern on his face, before he drops and snuggles up to Thys. Zippora feels so bad for both of them - two deaths in one day.

Once the wailing has died down, and Vilbur has properly bandaged Thys' wounds, the monsters all sit around the room, silently wondering the same thing - "what now?".

Rossiter is the first to speak in a while. "What happened while you all were out?"

"...not much happened to us." Aric responds.

"isn't it obvious?" Thys gasps, still having difficulty breathing.

"..Gello is gone, too." Plutter whispers, tears visible in his eyes.

"We're going to die here." Mekrani says, uncharacteristically melancholy. They hold their Strombone closer. "We're going to die, and there's nothing we can do about it."


Everything Here /was/ AliveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum