⥗ • Chapter 10 | Midnight dance with the Doctor.. •

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You sat in the private dinning room that you knew belonged to the Doctor, you were quite sure that he wouldn't mind you being there early while snacking on some Almond Tofu as you waited for him to finally have dinner with you..

" He's late.. " you muffled before stuffing your mouth with Tofu again and looking over at the clock on the wall, that hung above where the Doctor would sit.

Eventually you'd hear a few steps closing in and you'd almost immediately put the empty plate down on the table as you finished eating. Soon, the Doctor entered the room and looked over at you " You're early. " he said before walking over to his seat to sit down.

You'd give him a nod as well as a smile " I wanted to be on time for once. But you're quite late, Dottore. " you said as you gave him a small giggle before you heard a muffle escape his lips as he crossed his arms and began tapping his foot on the floor. Well.. that was quite the strange behaviour, he's never done this either, so you decided to scoot closer to him and take a plate before looking over at the table " What'd you like today? " you asked.

" Jade parcels. " he said simply as he began tapping his foot faster.

You'd stay still for a moment before putting a few Jade parcels on the empty plate and handing it over to him. Once he took it you'd just watch him for a moment before scooting a bit further to cross your arms and look away from him " You seem stressed. " you pointed out.

He just stayed silent before swallowing the bite he had taken and finally speaking " Today's strange. I received a gift from someone who I could kill by simply lifting a finger of mine and an experiment of mine failed when I tried to- " he said with a pause before shaking his head and returning to his plate of Jade parcels.

You'd just nod your head before looking up at the ceiling and waiting for him to finish eating, happily he was finished rather quickly and once he put the plate down the both of you stood up and you tugged onto his shirts' sleeve gently " I'd like to take you somewhere, you could truly use a break. " you said before you saw a frown appear on his lips.

" I'm not in the mood for conversations, Y/N. " he spat out.

" Then we won't talk. Just.. please come with me. " you said as you reached your hand over to his gloved one and took it before receiving a nod from him as well as an annoyed scoff.

" Make it quick. " he said before you literally dragged him out and began making your way to a room you've found after you left him outside. Once the two of you arrived, you'd be met with a quite massive ballroom, due to your excitement.. you'd lead him over to the middle of it and turn around to face him.

" Care to dance with me, Dottore? " you ask with a smile as you keep on holding his hand.

The smile you held on your face was so genuine, sweet and the Doctor couldn't do anything but glare at you. Were you truly not afraid of him? Many thoughts ran through his head and before you could even open your mouth to call out to him, he'd snake his arm around your waist " I'd be more than honored to have this dance with you. " he said as he began moving in a slow pace. It was nothing but a simple dance. But the way he held onto your waist gave you a strange feeling of comfort to the point you couldn't help but rest your head on his chest and collarbone area as the two of you swayed around. You knew very well that if someone caught the Second dancing with a simple assistant like yourself, it would only bring nothing but trouble for mainly him. Yet you couldn't care less, one would say you were even getting close to forgetting your old life as you found some kind of happiness here, it was strange to say that you genuinely enjoyed the Doctor's company, but who would judge you?.

" I genuinely enjoy your company. " you suddenly blurted out as you couldn't hold it in.

The Doctor looked down at you before a smirk crept up onto his facial structure " I'm glad. " he suddenly said before taking a slightly bigger step backwards and moving into a dip position while still holding you " Though, you should reconsider your words Y/N. One could say that you have gotten attached to the madman who could cause you harm. "

You'd look at him with your mouth slightly open as he surprised you by this sudden move before you gave him the same innocent and lovely smile that only got on his nerves and made him loose his smirk " In this case, I enjoy his company as if we knew each other for longer than just.. I think today's the 3rd day? " you said before shaking your head " Well, what I'm trying to say is that I don't see you as a madman, that nickname is horrible and it only ruins everything. "

" Indeed. " he said as he straightened himself and helped you on your feet before the two of you resumed dancing in the dark ballroom as the only light source was the moonlight that shined through the windows " I'd like to discuss tomorrow's plan with you first. " he said before you shook your head as you had your head rested against his collarbone and chest area again.

" Enjoy the moment Dottore. " you said in a low murmur " Don't ruin it by all this business talk please. " you said as you held onto his hand slightly tighter now " I've never felt this relaxed since we first met, I'd like to enjoy the moment and let my mind rest.. you should do the same. "

Dottore gave off a silent chuckle " Are you commanding me now, Y/N? " he asked " If so then it does not work, but your observation is quite fascinating. You can tell one's emotion from just silently observing them for a moment before making up your.. statement. "

" You don't have to talk to me as if I was a child, please use whatever word suits you. " you quickly said after his sentence before receiving a nod from him " Though I appreciate your compliment. " you added. After that, the room went silent again as the two of you continued to dance until midnight..

Hello everyone!

So, since I've been feeling much better I finally managed to finish this draft and publish it.

This time we have FLUFF as well as some bonding with the Doctor himself. I decided I'd go for something calm before the longer and bigger chapters come out.

For the time being, I hope you all have a good rest of the day / night ^^

 I'll see you all soon in the city of Freedom, Mondstadt!

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