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You're chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey!

You: hello.

Stranger: what's up?

You: sitting in my bedroom contemplating life.

Stranger: ah fun. asl?

You: f 16 cali. wbu?

Stranger: m 21 also from ca.

You: oh cool! maybe we know each other?

Stranger: what's your name?

You: alice.

Stranger: don't think i know an alice. my name is bentley.

You: cool name!

Stranger: haha thanks. so tell me about yourself.

You: um okay well... i'm an only child, i have a dog, and that's really all there is to tell.

Stranger: there's much more than that. like what's your favourite colour? what colour are your eyes? do you have lots of friends? a best friend? what are the names of your friends? what kind of dog?

Alice: my favourite colour is blue, my eyes are also blue, no i only have some friends, yes, i have a best friend, her name is clara, and corgi. happy now?

Stranger: very happy.

You: aw i have to go. kik?

Stranger: sure, what's your user?

You: alicewonderland2

Stranger: very original.

You: whatever. i couldn't think of anything.

You: anyways ttyl bye

You have disconnected.

[a/n: the new and updated stranger! hope you all like this version of the story more because i really think it will be better. thanks for reading!]

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