1 - basic info

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1) My name: I've struggled with figuring it out. Currently tho William or Robin seems the most fitting. Acceptable nicknames are R, Ro, Rob, Robbie - Robin, or you could come up with one on your own!
Updates: I use Robin, Mawce, Olyver, Rain or Aspen now.

2) age: 18.

3) sexuality: biro/paroromantic(im into 2 or more genders, but my attraction to guys is demiromantic, attraction to girls is grayromantic, and attraction to enbies is alloromantic) quoi/ace (im confused by sexual attraction and mix it up with others, but im like 99% i cannot expirence it)

4) Mental issues - I am neurodivergent, adhd actually. I've struggled with depression & anxiety (both social and generalized) since 11, insomnia since 12.

5) I've always liked writing and reading, but I just hate my writing. I do plan on making x readers(probably gonna stick with x nb/gnc readers)

6) What kinda person am I? It's really unorganized and may forget I'm even writing. But I'm trying hard to be better at writing. Maybe gonna start with a one-shot.
Also personality wise, I tend to be all over the place with random mood swings, like one minute, I'll be really happy to talk abt my art, next Ill make a joke about my poor mental health, then immediately turn around and rant about how messed up Capitalism is.

7) What kinda music do I like? I really don't mind any type as long 1) the artist isn't problematic, 2) if i don't like a song, I'd just ask to change it. But my favorite genre is rock or metal. (Currently, my top 5 artists are 1) Conan Gray, 2) Mother Mother, 3) Nirvana, 4) Icon For Hire(literally one of the best vands for rock songs abt feminism) 5) a tie between My Chemical Romance, In This Moment, and New Years Day.

8) Am I an artsty person? Yes! I plan on learning the guitar, I can draw eyes/hands/mouths/the outer ears semi well. Eyes are my strongest, but it still needs improvement. (Wow, the first time I complimented my own art.) I'm bad at drawing a body/face, but I can do a neck/torso art. I once drew something like that with top surgery scars!

9) What fandoms am I in? Teen Wolf, The Walking Dead, The 100, Supernatural, Stranger Things, BBC's Sherlock, Doctor Who, Merlin, NBC's Hannibal, The Boy(2016), Friday The 13th, Saw(1-8, haven't yet seen Spiral), Halloween(minus the Rob Zombie remakes, which I never seen), A Nightmare On Elm Street, Black Christmas(1978 version only. At least the 2006 was entertaining garbage), My Bloody Valentine, The Owl House, Gravity Falls & Star vs. The Forces Of Evil. (No, I haven't seen Amphibia, I wanna watch it, but idk where other than D+ to watch it on.)

10) Any cool/odd things about you? I have a tattoo on my leg, by my knee right next to scar. It's a heart tattoo. I also once had my bellybutton, septum, and ears pierced. To this day, if I feel like it, I'll clean earrings (most of which I made) and wear em.

11) What's my gender? Another thing I've struggled with. Im currently transmasc nonbinary neoboy. I feel like my experience as a boy isn't nessicarally(don't judge, I can't spell 😭😭😭) fit the binary male. But most days, Im just too lazy to explain, so I say Im not a boy, but I like being viewed as one.
Update: transmasc genderqueer demiboy/rosboy(feminine guy, kinda like a femboy)

12) Any other social media: Yeah! Instagram is: cryptid_enthusiast_666
Pintrest/Tumblr is: rockormetal_slasher
If you wanna dm on Discord or Snapchat, just dm me on my other social and ask!

13) I've dropped out of high school 3 times bc my family keeps kicking me out for no reason. Im currently working on getting a job, and I plan on asking my mom if they can see if the Community College they go to has a GED program or smth.

14) Im 5'5, scrawny, and my baggy ass clothes do not help my short stature.

15) I love pins so much.

16) I'm planning on talking to a therapist about starting Testosterone when I get a job and get my life on track. Update: Since im apparently gonna see the same doctor as before, I can talk to him about continuing the process of starting Testosterone. (Before i randomly moved in July 2021, i was like a phone call away from being on T)

17) I pretty much inherited my entire families music taste

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