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written 18 / 02 / 23

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            ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ; [NOT PROOF READ]

1:08 ——◦———— -4:05

↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ

ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯

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Tori didn't even know why she said yes to this idea,but here she was making a makeshift bed for the boy on her floor out of an old mattress and some spare blankets. The dim glow of her lamp lit the dark room,bathing the covers in a yellow-white colour. It looked really comfy,she had to admit,and would probably end up asking Michael to switch with her. She had also came up with a few answers to her earlier question on why she had said yes to Michael.

A) Because he had that infectious suavity about him that was impossible to say no to.

B) Because he was Tori's boyfriend.

The second option was probably the more viable one,now that she thought about it.

There was the sound of feet thundering on the stairs and the creak of Tori's door behind her. She turned around,expecting it to be Charlie or Oliver,and was met with the grinning face of Michael Holden. His hair,which was usually set into a perfect side parting,was wild and slightly messy. His heterochromatic eyes were framed by a pair of thick square glasses which made him look like he was permanently donning those glasses you get at the cinema,the 3D ones.

"Tori!" He grinned,immediately wrapping the girl in a hug and kissing her forehead," I missed you!" He displayed such a general excitement at the sight of Tori that she couldn't help but smile as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and laid her head into his chest. Michael chuckled.

"Annd-" He carried on,pulling out of the hug and looking Tori with that huge dopey grin of his, "It seems quite like you missed me too,Victoria Spring" the girl gave him a deadpan look

"Please never call me that again,Michael." She says,shrugging his hands off of her shoulders and staring up at him "You make me sound like a bottle of branded water,or Queen Victoria. The one with the dead husband"

Michael brushed off her comment and was now examining the mattress on the floor,looking back at Tori once he had circled around it. "So,what's a lady doing sleeping on the floor?"


"Why are you sleeping on the floor,Tori?" He explained a little more, " Shouldn't I be down there?"

"You are,you prat." Tori told him,and his face dropped,as if he wasn't actually expecting his answer to be right, "No way in hell I'm trading my bed. I was thinking about it earlier,but I've decided that now you're here,I'm not going to"

Michael pouted,sighing dramatically before he walked back over to his girlfriend and placing down a bag that Tori hadn't even noticed was on his back and and pulled her into his side and kissed her forehead again. Michael Holden was an odd boy,and Tori knew that. He could switch what kind of mood he was in like that. Sometimes he was happy,then the next minute he was crying,or angry. Tori didn't mind most of the time,because she quite enjoyed Michael's company ( even though she would rather die than admit that )

"Why don't I just sleep in your bed? It'd be nice!" Michael was looking down at his girlfriend with a smile that would suggest to people who didn't know him that he was joking,but Tori knew he was deadly serious. She gave him an incredulous look

"Absolutely not. No,piss right off"

"Come on Tori!" He groaned, " We've done it before,and that was before we even started going out. Hell,I think you utterly despised me when that happened at Becky's party. Either way,its no different to that!"

Tori thought about this. Yes,they had slept in the same bed before. Yes,they weren't going out at that point,so why should it be any different now that they were dating? If anything,they should be doing it more now just because of that. Michael carried on looking down at her with a hopeful,still holding her into his side. She sighed. Michael's face lit up,hoping she had rethought her decision.

"No,Michael." Tori said,making her boyfriend's face drop again, " I would let you,but I spent so much time putting out the mattress,and I don't know what kind of effect putting it away will have on my frail,weak,body." She pretended to cough and made her voice go all croaky while she said the last bit,making Michael laugh before he went back to the whiny,begging tone

"Please Tori!" He dragged out his words,turning the shorter to face him and shaking her shoulders gently, "Just a hug?"

"You can have a hug now,Michael" She held out her arms again. Michael accepted,but kept talking.

"I meant on your bed! We can put a film on,lay together and hug,then I'll get on the floor and cry myself to sleep,OK?" Michael laid his head atop Tori's as he spoke. The girl sighed again.

"Fine. But as soon as the film is finished,you're off." Tori gave in. The taller smiled widely,tightening his hold on his girlfriend

"Thank you Tori! Oh my God I love you so much"

"Yeah yeah,love you too"

Michael had got into his pajamas and was currently with Tori on her bed,the dim glow of her laptop washing over the both of them. Both of them had no clue what they wanted to watch,so they just stuck a random film on and let it play,not really watching it but talking instead. Tori had her head on Michael's lap and was smiling softly up at him and talking as he ran his hands gently through her hair. He had a small grin on his face as he looked down at her,and a sort of giddy feeling in his chest. He really loved Tori,with his entire being. Sure,she could get upset and blunt at times,and she could say stuff she didn't mean, but Michael himself did that sometimes,and could understand Tori. Also,there was a genuinely kind and caring girl under all that pessimism,one that really held people close to her.

Michael had been so absorbed in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed that Tori had stopped talking. Looking down at Tori, Michael saw that her eyes were closed and her breathing had slowed down. He smiled even more at this,and leaned forwards to shut her laptop. Lifting up the device he moved to the side ever so slightly to put it on the floor and laid back once he had,raising Tori up onto him more so that her head lay on his his chest. He smiled and kept running a hand through her hair holding her into him with his other. The room was empty of their talking,the only sound coming from outside with the talking of people coming in late from being out with friends,or the final chirps of the bed.

Michael yawned,and he leaned forwards to press a kiss to Tori's head mumbling something to her which he knew she couldn't hear,but supposed it was out of habit. He laid his head back down,took off his glassed and shut his eyes,smiling gently to himself

" Night,Tori "

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