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Here's a fic I wrote in the lowest point in my life 😋 all things I've been told btw. I'm better now. There's no happy ending to this one btw.

TW: !suicidal thoughts!

"You're really worthless, you know that?"

I know. I'm sorry. I wish I was enough for you.

"You look like a pig."

I'm sorry I'm such a disgusting site.

"I'm not loving the person you're becoming."

I'm sorry. I tried really hard to be someone you liked but I just couldn't. I'm too me, I guess.

"You know mum thinks you're her ugliest child."

I know. I get reminded of it everyday.

"She's the trucker of the family!"

You know I don't even eat that much anymore because of you, right?

"I thought you were done eating so much?"

I just want to recover.

"This is why no one likes you."

I know. Maybe I'm fine ending up all alone.

"You're laugh is fucking disgusting."

Sometimes I literally wanna cry whenever I laugh because I wish I'd just shut up.

"Don't let them drag you down."

Their the only ones that make me happy anymore.

"You're smart but lazy!"

All because I made a few B's?

"___ is my most gorgeous child!"

I know I'll never compare to your favourite child.

"Look in the mirror and see your ugly face!"

I was just crying. I'm so tired of having to be unemotional to not get yelled at.

"You're really beautiful too! I can tell you've lost a lot of weight!"

Why is all I'm worth to you my weight? I've lost a lot of weight because you caused me to develop a fucking eating disorder.

"Act your age and not your IQ"

I know I'm dumb.

"What can YOU do to make your siblings like you?"

Why is it always my fault?

"You walk weird!"

I can't stop staring at my knees wishing they were normal so I'd walk normal.

"You don't have adhd, you're just dumb."

Why can't you ever listen to me?

"You kinda need to be bullied."

I know no one likes me as I am. But no amount of bullying will ever change me into what you want. I'll forever be unlikable.

"She said she does love you, but you sometimes make yourself really hard to love."

I can't do this anymore. What's the point of staying here if no one loves me?

"Bro not this again."

You're suppose to be my best friend. Listen to me when I rant about my hyper fixations. I always listen to you.

"Get over yourself."

I can't do it. I wish you'd understand instead of yell at me. I just want to be comfortable in my own body. I hate this body. I wish I didn't have one.

"You're really annoying."

I know. I'm sorry.

"Why can't you do anything right?"

I try. I really do.

Lance sobbed as he curled in on himself in the corner of the bathroom. He was too upset and in his head that he paid no mind to the floor which was not very clean. He just wanted to hide away. To die.

Maybe he'd be liked more if he was dead?

He couldn't do anything wrong anymore for people to be annoyed by.

They'd probably be mad at him though if he did kill himself.

But he really didn't care anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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