Damon imagine-You being insecure / self harming

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Damon- rose
Klaus- fayth ( my middle name)
Elijah - Kennedy
Kol- Katie
^ this is irrelevant rn but just remember it ( you are 13 in this)

( this is literally my life right here also this so based off a true story so imma make her built like me)

Your pov.

I have been receiving insults about my body and it is not helping with my insecurities. I am a 6ft and 265 pound girl. I always hated my body. Why can't I be skinny like all of the ther girls?

Felling overwhelmed I walk into my bathroom and just sit on the toilet staring at the shower. As I am staring my little face shaver catches my eye. I grab it and bring it up to my thunder thighs. I make a little slit and more and more.

After about five minutes I realized what I done and I start crying realizing I enjoyed it. I immediately start praying and asking for forgiveness in fear of going to hell for my action. although my father and mother werent religous i was devoted to god.. I'm guessing dad heard me because I hear a familiar knock on the door.

" rose are you ok? Why do I smell blood "he asks which immediately makes me start crying again.

He opens the door and sees the cuts. His expression lifted and he brings me into his arms.

" babygirl why would you do this to yourself?" He asked me. I start crying even harder.

" it's because I hate myself. I am freakishly tall for 13 and I feel really fat and everyone at school bullies me or try's to give me there food. I try to act like it doesn't bother me but all the comments like ' damn' or ' stop eating' it gets to me everyone I look up to are skinny. You, Elena, uncle Stefan, Caroline, and Bonnie. Also the others that you don't like but I love, klaus, Elijah,Rebekah, kol. Even my best friend Fayth mikaelson is skinny. Everyone in mystic falls is skinny and then there is me and I hate it." I finally get out

" Rose everly Salvatore you are perfect no matter what anyone says. Baby your 6 ft height gives weight. And yeah you are a little bigger than others but they doesn't make you any less than they are. Stop comparing yourself to others please. I love you so much and I need you to promise me that you will never do this again I can not stand the thought of losing you." I nod my head and he pulls me back into his arms.

He bit his wrist and pulled it up to my face. I drink some of it and I fell my thighs start to heal.

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