Chapter 7

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"Good morning sleepyhead!"

"Huh, what?" Bluey said as she slowly woke up to see Jean-Luc looking at her. "Oh, good morning," she then proceeds to yawn and stretch. "What time is it?" She asked.

Jean-Luc chuckled then responded, "You slept in til' 1!"

Bluey had a surprised, shocked look on her face. "Really? I don't usually sleep in that late. Maybe I just wanted to spend more time with you..." She looked at Jean-Luc and poked his nose and said, "Well anyways, we probably have to check in with the adults so they'll know that we're still alive."

Jean-Luc laughed at Bluey's remark and said, "Hah, yeah. I probably have to also go talk to my parents as well, considering I've been spending most of my time with you." He then ruffles Bluey's hair and they both step out of the tent. The two then walk over to the bench where everyone else is and greets everyone.

Chilli sees them walk up and says, "Well look who decided to finally show up!"

Bluey rolls her eyes and responded, "Good morning- uh, or afternoon? I'm not sure which one I should say,"

Bingo says to Bluey, "You'll probably know if you were to actually wake up on time."

Bluey clicks her tongue at Bingo and replies, "Well, I was just really tired ok?"

Jean-Luc pipes in and says, "Yeah I can vouch for her, I almost thought she went into a coma,"

Bluey laughs at what Jean-Luc said and the two walk over to get some food and sit down on the bench. Everybody begins to eat and have conversations. It all seems like a happy and enjoyable time, although Chilli mentions something to everybody. "So, we'll have to start packing up some things because we have to leave by tomorrow morning."

This made Bluey's heart sink. "Oh no, will I not be able to see Jean-Luc again?" She thought. She began worrying and sank into her seat. "Is this the last time I'll be with Jean-Luc? We only just confessed to each other..."

Everybody continues with their meals and conversations until Jean-Luc notices Bluey. "Is everything all right mon amour?" He holds Bluey's hand reassuringly.

Bluey responded quietly, "Can we talk about something private?" Jean-Luc nods and they both walk over to another area.

They arrive at a secluded area and Jean-Luc says, "Is everything ok? What do you need to tell me?" Bluey sits down and tries to muster enough courage to say what's on her mind, but she can't think about especially when Jean-Luc is right next to her. Bluey is now on the verge of tears but tries to hold them back. "Are you all right? You look like you're going to cry..."

This breaks Bluey and she begins bawling. "I DON'T WANT YOU TO LEAVE YOU JEAN-LUC!" When Jean-Luc heard this he hugged Bluey and tried to comfort her. "I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YOU JEAN-LUC! I DON'T EVER WANT TO LEAVE YOU! BECAUSE... BECAUSE... I still love you..."

Those words resonated through Jean-Luc and made him feel even deeper connections with Bluey. He held her closer and wiped off Bluey's tears. "Don't worry mon amour I will always love you... and I'll try my best to never leave you."

Bluey looked up at Jean-Luc with tears still in her eyes, "sniff sniff For real life?"

Jean-Luc smiles and brushes away some of her hair and says, "For real life."

* * *

"puis-je rester avec elle s'il vous plaît... s'il te plaît"

"vérifions d'abord avec ses parents, puis peut-être."

"s'il te plait elle signifie tout pour moi..."

"d'accord bien."

Jean-Luc walks back to see Bluey waiting for him. "Sooooooo, what did your parents say..."

Jean-Luc replies, "Well, after some serious negotiation and convincing... they'll allow me to stay with you longer!"

Bluey becomes ecstatic after hearing the news and her tail begins to wag furiously, "Oh that's wonderful! That's amazing! I can't believe it! I don't know what to do! I- "

Jean-Luc cuts her off, "Woah calm down! Your tail looks like it's going to fly off!"

Bluey sits down and calms down but still can't contain her joy, "It's just that we get to spend more time together! You know, like as an actual- "

"Yes, I also can't wait to be able to spend even more time with you!" said Jean-Luc excitedly. "Have you told your parent's yet?"

"Oh yeah, about that... Well, my parents want to meet up with yours, since you know... you'll be with another family." Said Bluey.

Jean-Luc then says, "Oh well that works out since my parents said the exact same thing!"

Bluey then says sorrowfully, "Well... there's only one thing I'm worried about..."

This then makes Jean-Luc concerned, "Oh no, what is it? Is it something bad?"

Bluey then says, "I'm just worried that my parents won't allow you to stay with us and this will be our last moment together."

Jean-Luc then wrapped his arm around Bluey to comfort her, "Oh Bluey, don't worry about that I'm sure they'll allow it." He then looks Bluey in the eyes and says, "Either way, if they say no, then I'll make sure to spend every last second with you." He kisses Bluey and then ruffles her hair. This then makes her blush.

"I love you, Jean-Luc"

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