the past and punishment

408 30 26

⚠️The past will be in normal writing
Future in bold
Song italic:

In the past
30 years ago

This year it is Qinghe that helds the discussion conference. And as usual in the Nie sect's hosting conferences, instead of the 1st day being a games, competitions day they gather in the main hall to have a small banquet with the latest news of what happened as of late that may be of concern.

And of course the Cold war of nerves going on between the nie and wen sect leaders never cease to an end.

But their staring competition get stopped rudely interrupted by a black dizi and blue guqin.

The flute had a dark suffocating cloud around him while the qin was more lenient and calming aura for strange reason.

What is more strange is the fact that those musical tools are here flying around the hall before letting out a singsong question:

°Want to see future?°
•Latest update of future?•
°30 years into future?°
°•Save our masters!•°

And before even trying to process anything music then a song started playing from those tools that had unrecognisable words but understandable nonetheless

Moving images started showing and appearing Infront of them, a figure dressed in mourning white clothes was kneeling in front of memorial tablet. When the person lifted his head a few gasps were earned from two sect leaders there

The figure was wei wuxian. No, an older wei wuxian would be more accurate

^Here and now, you're coming up to me 'fore I'm lighting up the sky

This wei wuxian lifted his eyes to look at memorial and the name was shown to them
Resulting in a very loud unlike lan intake of breath

The name was 'lan wangji'

"Lan zhan."
Voice hallow, shallow and tears falling from his silver grey eyes

^Feel the ground shaking underneath trying to take me alive

"Lan zhan, would you forgive me for breaking my promise to you? Would you wait just a little longer?"

Wei wuxian stood up and walked towards the table were the memorial was on grabbing something
Was that.. a ribbon?

^Oh-oh-ooh ... Get ready for the fallout

Wei wuxian wore and tied the ribbon around his forehead turning back and heading to the door after wiping the tears off his eyes

He called out for a name made the wen sect leader to frown

"Wen ning"

At seconds, a fierce corpse came to him bowing his head a little muttering a low "master" in greeting

Can't stop me now

Wei wuxian encountered an older lan Qiren as well, besides him a lan inner disciple looking red eyed at wei ying

"Dad" the mid twenties young man said

"Wuxian, are you really going?" Lan Qiren said in a very tired devastated voice the present man himself couldn't believe his ears.
And what with that familiarity with the names?

^I got no rival,
I'ma find my way

Wei wuxian looked up and didn't even try to fake a smile. "Yes uncle."
A sigh then a "then we will go first" from the lan elder followed

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