Chapter one

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Published: 23rd May 2015.
Status: Ongoing.

It's always been said that a child's laughter brings love and hope to the world. However, as an avid believer of leeching the blood out of a human, I'd say the complete opposite.

A scream gurgled up and erupted from the blonde's throat. Her eyes were glassy and her T-shirt was ripped in various places. Dotted across her shirt was crimson red blood; it bloomed from the top of the material and faded into a pathetic grey as it reached the bottom. Her thin, pale, cracked lips were slightly parted and she drew out her faint, pained sigh. Across her mouth rested a couple of stray golden strands, it flowed like a waterfall past her shoulders and was splayed across the hard, cold, concrete floor.

Standing up, my eyes scanned the blonde's figure lying limp on the floor. Quickly, I wiped the corner of my mouth with my index finger while I observed the bloody marks across her neck. A smirk slid across my face as I watched her groan and twist. She hissed as she sat up and observed her surroundings. Eventually, her eyes landed on me and hers eyes widened as she tried to scurry away. I rolled my eyes at her pitiful attempts.

She'd have been fine if she didn't struggle.

Leaning down to the reasonably young party-goer, I smiled, "Next time don't go out by yourself."

Scrambling up, she started running away from me. I sighed. Turning around, I went in the opposite direction. As I walked down the street the lights flickered a sluggish yellow and the neon signs of clubs continuously winked. Music filled the air while I past a group of stumbling girls in too high heels. They took no notice of my presence. That was good.

I walked further down the street until I came across my vehicle. As I sat on my motorcycle, I smiled.

I felt like going fast tonight.

I threw a helmet on over my head and turned the key in the engine, it quickly rumbled to life. Pulling out from the curb, I sped into the road and made my way onto the motorway. The road was empty tonight so I put my baby's speed to the test. I grinned at the dial meter as it continued to rise. My concentration was solely placed on the road in front of me.

It wasn't long until I arrived at my apartment. Hopping off my bike, I walked to the double glass doors; helmet in hand. Alexander, the door man, greeted me with a grin and allowed me entrance. I walked to the receptionist.

"Hey, Fran." I greeted.

"Miss Clarke," The red haired girl nodded at me, "Would you like a bottle of champagne sent to your room?"

"Oh Fran, you know me too well." I grinned before heading towards the elevator.

"And Miss Clarke, Mr Maxwell is back also."

"Thanks!" I called as the doors were sliding shut.

When I reached the top floor, I entered a code which allowed the elevator doors to open. When I moved in I wanted it to be modern and modern was the look that was achieved. At first glance you see glass. The glass surrounded the building and looked out onto the city below. Purple and red melted together in the sky as the sun started to sneak past the horizon.

Slowly, I meandered my way into my apartment. My black boots shuffled across the laminate flooring and made their way into the room to the left. Sleek black tiling came into view as I passed through the threshold to the kitchen. Opening a brown mahogany cupboard, I pulled out a wine glass and walked over to the stainless steel fridge. I pulled out a bottle of champagne and filled my glass. Black marble was settled on top of the counters and grey handles adorned the cupboard doors.

Taking my glass of bubbly into the front room, I kicked my shoes to the side and placed my helmet on the hook on the wall. I took off my socks and settled my feet into the brown carpet and looked across the city.

"Your father is throwing a party tonight."

I sipped my drink and smiled, "Formal?"

"Do I even need to answer that?"

Turning, I grinned at Adam who was sat casually on my leather couch with his feet on my glass coffee table.

Moving towards him, I swatted his feet, "Get your stinky feet off my coffee table."

Adam rolled his eyes but reluctantly did as he was told.

"There's also going to be a meeting."

It was my turn to roll my eyes, "Great." Sarcasm laced my voice.

"How was your meal?" Adam's arms rested across the back of the sofa as I sat down.

I shrugged, "Alright I guess, it wasn't much of a challenge so it took the fun out of it."

"Was he your type?" He winked.

I scoffed, "Human would never be my type, besides it was a girl."

"A woman? I thought you only liked men?" He teased in which I whacked his arm.

"Food is food. Besides, I wasn't dressed for seducing tonight." I gestured to my black jeans and white top. I had covered my bare arms with a leather jacket.

His gaze lingered on me for a few moments, "Maxwell, take a picture, it would last longer."

He shrugged, "I think you could still look at any person in sight and they'd fall to their knees."

"Apart from me of course," He added.

"Apart from me of course." I mimicked.

True to his statement, women do go weak at their knees for Adam. He was undeniably attractive. He had tossled blonde hair which he had perfected at an early age and a clean cut face. He was young being in his late twenties which made him all he more delectable to the young and the old. He was charming and easily wooed the ladies. Put him in a suit and have him throw you his million watt smile and your legs would turn to jelly.

Chuckling he shook his head at my childish antics, "C'mon, you've got to get ready. We're leaving in an hour."

"Yes boss," I mocked saluted before leaving him.

"Don't forget to dress sexy," He called, "Not that it's hard for you."

I smiled and shook my head at him.


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