Chapter 25

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The second weekend in June, I found myself drunk again. I had been drunk for the past couple of weeks most of the time. I hated how I kept slipping up. Sunday morning, I woke to Keily moving around. I pulled her close and started the day off with some sex for her. I figured we could be lazy and spend the day in bed naked together. Keily didn't tell me no, but she didn't seem into it. I only got her to orgasm twice.

"Babe? What's wrong?"

"We... or well... I can't do this anymore." She said.

I took her face in my hand and searched her eyes frantically. "What are you saying?"

"I can't do this, do us. I can't handle you being drunk all the time. You work all the time and then come home to me and drink. All we seem to do is fuck. I don't think you are happy with me because if you were, you wouldn't drink all the time."

"Keily please no."

"I'm sorry Aimee. It breaks my heart because I really care about you. I imagined a future with you but the drinking... I can't deal with it. If you ever get your drinking under control or better yet, stop drinking all together, let me know and we can see where we are at in life." She said, then she leaned in and kissed me. "I don't want to see you hurting, so I'm gonna get going. But just know I'm not saying we can't be together, just not right now."

"I can stop drinking."

"Go 30 days sober and then we will talk." She said, then climbed to her feet.

I stood and pulled her in tight against my body for a hug. We kissed one last time, then she gathered her things and walked out.

I was alone again. I moved to the bedroom and curled up on my bed to cry. I needed to change the path I was going down while I still could. Being single and drunk for the rest of my life was too much for me.

I woke up and for a brief second things were good, but then I remembered Keily had left me. I called off from work for the next week so I could sleep. I didn't want to do anything, like eat, sleep, work, or anything that required me to make decisions and be an adult. All I did was sleep and drink.

Thursday night, I went to the club in Duluth. I bought a couple of beers and planned on staying late into the night. As I sipped my first beer, I glanced around the room. There were so many cute girls here. What I would have done to have just one of them pay attention to me.

I sat up straight in my chair and froze. My heart almost stopped as fear gripped it. There at the bar with a new brown haired beauty was Liz. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't risk her seeing me, though. I slowly stood up and disappeared into the crowd, pushing my way through the sea of people to the door. After making it to my car, I let out a sigh of relief.

The entire drive home, I was paranoid that I was being followed, but I knew there was no one there. I parked and tore into the apartment, quickly locking the door behind me. My anxiety level was through the roof. All I could do was drink to make the pain and anxiety go away. I learned my lesson. As long as Liz was around, I wouldn't go to the club alone. I drank until I passed out every night until Sunday night.

My heart sank when I sat down to pay my bills. I didn't have money to pay for my phone, electric and rent. I decided to pay rent late because I knew they wouldn't kick me out right away. I needed to stop drinking, so I wasn't blowing all my money. Now I needed more time to get more money and get caught up on my bills.

Between drinking all the time, being lonely and heartbroken and my money problems, I slipped into a deep depression. I shut down and barely talked to anyone at work unless I had to. Being a manager, I rarely worked the register now. Every time I saw a customer walking toward me, I groaned internally. I don't want to deal with you! Go bother someone else I'd scream out in my mind. In reality, I'd put a fake smile on and pretend I was more than happy to help them or listen to their complaints.

Deceptions of the Heart (Prequel for Trials. GxG, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now