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          Having forgotten some ingredients for tonight's dinner, Inku had quickly asked her neighbor to look after her son while she ran off to the store. Now, here she was, stuck behind a red light after having just finished shopping.

"Come on. Turn green already! There are no other cars," she yelled out the window at the traffic light like an angry cinnamon bun.

          Unfortunately, her yelling was answered by the earsplitting cry of, what she could only assume, was a baby lamb or a fawn. Yet, hearing something like that in the city was unusual. She flinched as the thing cried out again. This time it sounded like it was trying to say something!

"h-hE...heeee~lp! H-h-hE-lp!"

A child's cry!

Natural born motherly instincts kicked in making her run the red light to park on the side of the road.

Another cry!

          It was close! Just off the side of the road near some foliage  used to make the side of roads look pretty. Nerves hit her like a freight train. It was unsettling that no cars were out and about seeing as it was early in the evening; usually when others would be driving home from work. Her common sense told her to turn tail and run, but her motherly side wouldn't allow it until she found the child. It could be hurt, dying, many horrible things. Clutching the can of mace in her purse she began to walk around.

"Hello? Are you ok?" She called out, "Where are you? I'll help you."


          To her left. She quickly ran over, kneeling in front of some bushes. With her free hand she went to move the leaves and branches away, but a stinging pain erupted from her finger and a tiny figure darted to her right stopping a few feet away, growling.

          Inko fell on her butt in fear, clutching her bleeding ring finger, but realized she may have startled the child with her bold approach, "I'm sorry! It's ok."

          She composed herself, wiping the blood off on her pants before settling in a kneeling position. The features of her face became soft. Although it was a silly thing to admit, skittish children were like frightened animals.

"Hey there. You're safe. Don't worry," she cooed. She had to be the gentle one here. This child had to have gone through so much to be so aggressive.

          The tiny figure stared at the woman. It had been bleating and hollering, hoping to attract a nearby dog or cat, something of an easy catch, but a human? She wasn't big enough yet.

          Inko sighed, unsure of how to approach the situation was at a loss for ideas, until realization came over her. Slowly, as to not startle the child, she got up and walked to her car to retrieve a bag of groceries. Carefully returning to her previous spot she shuffled through the contents of the plastic bag, smiling when she heard the sounds of sniffing.

"Hungry?" She asked, pulling out a peach. The figure didn't move. Feeling it was alright, since it was covered in an outer skin, she tossed it over.

          The figure scuttled deeper into the bushes from the quick fright, but quickly found that hunger outweighed fear. She knew the word "hungry", so this must've been food of some kind.

          Inko watched with a smile when a tiny hand came into the street light, snatching the fruit back into the darkness. It was a child! She was glad it wasn't some ploy for a kidnapping.

          Carefully the figure's nails grew into razor sharp claws. With unsettling precision she began dissecting the offering just like she had with previous kills. It didn't smell bad, but the inner and outer textures were two different things, just like the squirrel she had for lunch. She took a quick nibble out of the outer skin, but scoffed at the fuzzy taste. She stabbed it, frustrated until the innards clung to the curve of her claws in an orange, goopy mess. Bringing it to her face she sniffed. The was sweeter now. A careful lick and her eyes sparkled! It wasn't as good as a fresh kill, but she was so hungry, having had only tiny meals between long periods of time, it didn't matter at the moment. Pouncing back down on the pinkish fruit she devoured the insides, lapping everything up like a starving puppy.

Inko was shocked by the ferocious sounds of the peach being destroyed. To her horror she began to hear crunching!

"Don't eat the pit!" She cried out. The crunching stopped and the glow of red eyes snapped over to her. Her breath caught in her throat. Normal kids don't have red eyes, but she lives in a world where people have superpowers, so she couldn't judge just because she was freaked out. Reaching back in the bag, she pulled out another peach before holding it out in her open palm.

"Come here," she coaxed. Slowly, but surely the child came into view, but Inko about crushed the peach in absolute terror when the child was in the light. Jagged antlers protruded from the ratty hair atop its head. Small hands, attached to a starved body, sporting big claws clicked against the asphalt as it approached, but what made her blood run cold were the two empty sockets where the eyes should have been and the rows of serated fangs bared with nothing to cover them. It looked as if something had gouged it's eyes out and burned away it's lips.

          Despite being summertime, a bone-chilling cold encased her very being. The stench of death and decay made her lungs and nose cry out, desperate for her to get far away from the creature. Fearing it was too late to retreat, forgetting all about the pepper spray in her purse, she squeezed her eyes shut in anticipation of what was to come. She tensed when hands wrapped around the one still holding the peach...until the sounds of eating filled her ears. Peaking open an eye her terrified demeanor instantly melted when she saw the small child holding her hand in her tiny ones, nibbling the peach. She was sure she heard could hear purring. Although it was still horrifying to see a child with such monstrous features.

          The small child was careful to keep her teeth away from the woman's skin after realizing this woman meant free food. Food she didn't have to fight or hunt for. As the peach became smaller her nose came closer to the woman's hand until the smell of blood stopped her. Eyeless sockets 'looked' towards the woman's finger, still bleeding from the bite wound. Crooning, her unusually long tongue shot out, yet gently licked the blood away. It was hard for the kid to not devour the flesh, but she couldn't kill her food source. When she was sure the blood was clotted she finished off the peach, licking the juice from her fangs and fingers - savoring the flavor.

          Inko was presently surprised that the beast child had gently cleaned her wound. She was moved by the kind gesture although the saliva smelled disgusting; she'd properly disinfect it later. What she didn't expect was the child crawling onto her lap, curling up, then looking up at her with a tired expression. As the child's breathing became soft, calm, slow, their features became more human. Fangs became small and dull, now covered by a pair of tiny, plum lips. Claws turned to regular fingernails. Antlers became tiny nubs. What was once monstrous became sweet and...vulnerable.

"Looks like Izuku won't be an only child anymore," Inko mumbled, carefully carrying the child to her car. She'd go down to the police station and get the adoption process in motion in the morning, but for now...a bath.

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