(A/n): Damn. I didn't realize it had already been so long since my last update. Sorry about that. Like always, trouble irl. Grandma was rushed to ER not too long ago and I've been spending time with her and helping her after work once she was released home. She's ok but still having issues and needs a lot of help, so updates may be very slow for a while. Also, this chapter isn't my best, so I apologize in advance to those who've been patiently waiting. I'll try and make the next one more exciting and detailed. Thank you for you patience and support. Hope y'all have a wonderful day/night.
It was an exciting day for the Midoriya siblings - the first day of hero school! (Y/n) was leaning against the wall, foot tapping so fast it was a blur to any witnesses, but she refused to rush her brother who was busy tying his oversized, red shoes. Inko was behind the boy, fretting over the two to ensure they had everything they'd need for today.

"Izuku? You all set? What about you, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah," the sibling chorused.

Inko looked at her son's bag skeptically, "Are you sure? You didn't just pack action figures, right?"

"Ha! She called you out!"

"Not helping, sis!" The impatient boy turned to look at his mother with irritation, "I have everything. Now, I got to go! I don't want to be late!"

Just as his fingers touched the doorknob a clawed hand gripped his wrist and a terrified shiver slithered down his back as if a snake had been let loose in his shirt. Hesitantly glancing at the culprit of his anxieties was a seething (Y/n), staring him down with an unsettling smile, "You better drop the shitty attitude and give this woman a hug and kiss or so help me I'll kick your ass into next week."

The green haired boy was quick to follow his sister's advice, clinging to their mother like his life depended on it...which it kind of did. Yeah, (Y/n) was overprotective towards him, but she was even more so to the woman who adopted her off the streets when she had nobody and no home. Mess with mama you're asking for trauma.

"(Y/n), stop bullying your brother," Inko scolded softly, opening up her left arm so that she could join the hug. "I know he's excited and doesn't mean anything by it."

(Y/n) easily melted into the woman's embrace, taking in the natural scent her mother put off. It was soft, like the petals of a cherry blossom tree, mixed with the delicate green tea she loves to sip on. It was a scent that sent her back to the night she found a forever home; loved and cared for. She'd be forever in this kind woman's debt and that extended to the son, her brother.

Inko stared lovingly at her two children with a smile so sweet it could make honey seem sour, "I'm really proud of you both."

Grabbing their bags, the two headed out the door with a quick "see you soon" as a parting farewell to their mother. It was silent as they walked to their new school, having left early enough to enjoy a stroll together, cause who knows how busy they'd be to enjoy sibling bonding time.

"Why do you talk to mama like that?"

Izuku jumped at the sudden question, "What do you mean?"

(Y/n) didn't look at her brother, opting to place her arms behind her head, cradling it with intertwined fingers, "Like she's overbearing or annoying. I mean...I understood it when you were depressed, but it's not cool to act that way just because you're in a hurry."

The boy let out a defeated groan, "I know. I'll try to work on that. Guess I haven't been myself after everything that's gone on in the last few months."

"Just remember - you're lucky to have such a loving mother. I never knew my real one, but Inko was nice enough to open her door for me. In the end I ended up with the world's best mom and a goofy baby brother. Cherish it, just as I am."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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