The Case

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Derek's POV

I get to the BAU headquarters and run to the round table room, I arrive out of breath. I see everyone staring at me, "Let's get started" Hotch says with a stern look at me. "Okay so two woman were found in Albany, stabbed 18 times with.. lyrics carved into their back. The first woman is 18 year old Amber Lynn, the second woman is 19 year old Jessica Murres." Kevin says to us

His voice makes me sick. "He or she has no cooling down time, he killed both woman in less than 24 hours." Kevin adds. "Wheels up in 30" Hotch says and the team fleets the room.

I go to my office and check my phone to see that Garcia has texted me just saying hi, I reply back saying hey im on my way to Albany, New York. text you later" I feel bad for saying that I have to go but duty calls.

Penelope's POV

I receive Derek's text and put my phone down and start to cry again. I miss him so much. I sit on my couch and look out my window, it's midday and I hear the birds chirping. What a perfect day for a nap. I fall asleep while watching "The Breakfast Club"

AN: im so so so sorry for not updating! I've been very busy! i have Monday off this week so prepare yourself for some chapters

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