Chapter 1

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It was a nice day out, clear, warm, and breezy. The perfect weather. Fluffy-looking clouds patterned the sky, and birds soared from branch to branch of nearby trees, chirping and singing to each other, passing messages no human could ever perceive. Anne was walking to school with Sasha, her best friend.

Anne had tan skin, curly brown hair, and pure blue eyes. Sasha was an inch or so taller and had blonde hair always tied into a ponytail and sharp blue eyes.

It was a normal day, and they chatted about meaningless stuff. Today's topic, however, was about avocados. 

"I'm telling you Sash, avocados are a fruit!" Anne protested. 

Sasha wrinkled her nose, "No way. When I think of avocados, I don't think of fruit. I think of vegetables."

"But avocados have pits! What else has pits? Peaches!" Anne pointed out. 

"That doesn't count for anything, Boonchuy."

"Why don't we look it up?" Anne pulled her phone out, going to Safari.

After a few moments, she had her answer. "Aha! It says that avocados are TECHNICALLY fruits! Take that!" She stuck her tongue out at Sasha.

Sasha huffed and crossed her arms.






Settled in their seats next to each other, Anne and Sasha waited for the rest of the class to file in, so they could be done with this stupid place already. It was 4th period, and the two were exhausted. That's when someone they did not recognize walked in. 

She had short, messy black hair that had a green hair clip in it to keep it out of her face. She wore a red hoodie and black ripped jeans. She sat down at a desk two rows away from the two, and Anne elbowed Sasha. 

"Haven't seen her around before, you think she's new, Sash?"

"Definitely, I know everybody, and I haven't seen her at all, or in this class until today." Sasha eyed the new girl, who was setting her backpack down. 

Then the bell rang, and the teacher walked in. "Hello class," Mr. said as he strode into the room from the hallway, where he had been giving a stern talking-to to a student who had been shoving other kids. "We have a new student with us today, Marcy Wu."

The new girl looked up at the mention of her name, and Anne realized for the first time that her eyes were brown.

"Welcome to St.James Middle, my dear." Mr. offered a sincere smile, and Marcy smiled back, although it seemed a little forced. 

"Thank you," Marcy murmured. 

"Anne," Sasha whispered, elbowing Anne, "We were right, she is new."

Anne nodded, "Of course we were right."






The rest of the class was boring, and Anne could not take her eyes off Marcy almost the whole time. 

Then, the bell rang and it was a passing period.

Anne sighed, getting up from her desk as Sasha did as well, and they headed to their lockers, before stopping, realizing that Marcy was a few lockers down, a book in her hands. 

"Wow, she's everywhere now, huh?" Sasha joked.

Anne puffed her chest out, "I'm gonna go say hi to her!"

"You're gonna talk to the new kid? They don't exactly seem approachable."

"I'm sure, Sash, I'll just have to use some of the good ol' Anne Boonchuy charm!" 

Sasha rolled her eyes, watching as her friend made her way over to the new girl. 

"Erm," Anne murmured as she neared Marcy, "Hey, Marcy right? You're new here-"

"Oh really?" Marcy said sarcastically, not looking up from her book, "I didn't notice."

Anne blinked, slightly surprised, "Eheh- yeah sorry, I just-"

"Save it, I know everyone is trying to befriend the new girl to get on her good side, and you look like one of those goody-two-shoes as well."


"You were staring at me all of ELA, what do you want from me, stalker?" Marcy finally looked up from her book, and Anne realized that her brown eyes held a little red tint in them. The new girl scowled, and Anne also realized that her two teeth, one on each side of her two front teeth, were sharper. They looked a bit like fangs. Not long fangs, no, they were still the same size as her other teeth, they were just pointy. It was the same on the bottom, leaving Marcy with a total of 4 pointy-looking fangs.

"Oh, wow!" Anne murmured, "You look like you have fangs, that's really cool!"

Marcy's scowl fell right off her face, and she opened her mouth before closing it. 

"No- I don't mean to tease you or anything, I just- they look really cool!"

Marcy's heart was pounding so loudly she was sure everyone could hear it, especially this weird stalker girl who wouldn't leave her alone. It was only day one and she had already blown her cover, she was sure of it. She felt one of her ears twitch, and she felt them begin to change. "!" Marcy had begged to be able to go to school, she had convinced everyone she could keep her shifting under control, and now all that was going down the drain. 

Anne saw Marcy freeze up, and something happened with her ears. They seemed a bit more pointy and- almost furry?

"No!" Marcy suddenly shouted, pulling away from Anne, her hands hovering over her ears. "No. Don't look at me-!"

Anne's expression turned to one of concern, and she slightly reached her hand out, "Hey, are you okay? My mom taught me some first aid if-"

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" Marcy growled, and suddenly her voice seemed a bit deeper. Not thinking clearly due to panic, Marcy bit down on Anne's outstretched hand, her teeth breaking skin.

Anne yelped, pulling her hand back. "What. The. Heck. You just bit me!?" 

Oh no, Marcy had messed up BAD.

The new girl pulled her hood over her head, slamming her locker shut before she ran out of the situation, the hallway, and the school. 

Anne returned to Sasha. "Wow, Boonchuy. Did you charm her into biting you, too?"

"Oh, shut up!" Anne growled, her cheeks red with embarrassment, holding her bleeding hand. She looked in the direction where Marcy had gone before sighing. "Let's just go to the nurse, she'll know what to do."

The two headed off to the nurse's office, but the thought of Marcy never really left Anne's mind. 

"What was up with her?"

(First chapter is done! Welcome ya'll, this is just the beginning!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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