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Later on, the rats drove into the town which was already dark. Olivia held Rita captive in chains as the mouse with the tuxedo looked at the view.

"So you're from Up Top, eh?" Whitey asked him. "I used to work in a laboratory Up Top. Yeah. Big shampoo job. I was dark gray when we started. Yeah. Still, it cleared up me dandruff."

After a while, Olivia and the other hench rats entered through wooden doors and into a grand room. There was a real fire roaring in the hearth and someone was sitting in front of it in a throne like armchair, listening to the T.V.

"Are you there, boss? We're back," Spike called, asking him.

The figure in the armchair didn't move.

"I've got it, boss," said Spike. "The ruby. I found it."

"Well, technically, Spike, it was Millicent that found it," corrected Whitey.

"Um, actually, here, the name's Roddy," he introduced approaching the boss. "Uh, in exchange for my assistance, I was hoping you might..." Suddenly, a long pink tongue shot out from behind the chair and snatched a fly that had been buzzing around the room.

Slightly put off, Roddy continued nonetheless. "Uh... you might help me out of the pickle I'm in."

At this, the boss stood up and turned toward them. Roddy yelped. The boss was an enormous green toad wearing a purple robe and cravat.

The Toad came towards them.

"Hello, Rita," he said.

"Hello, handsome," Rita glared.

"And who is this? Is your boyfriend a waiter?"

"Boyfriend?!" Rita exclaimed.

"Waiter?!" Roddy was appalled by the idea.

Olivia began to snicker and cover her mouth. Laughing at his own joke, the Toad held out his webbed hand towards Spike. Spike dropped the ruby into it.

"The prize returns to me," the Toad said smugly. He gave it polish on his jacket and lifted it up to the light to admire its beauty. "Did you imagine that I'd let you steal it from me?"

"What?!" Rita shouted, pulling through her chains. Ted and Olivia struggled to hold her still. "That jewel belongs to my father, and you know it!" Olivia was forced to cover Rita's mouth prevent her from talking as Screwball squeaked.

"Your father?" The Toad sneered. "A good-for-nothing scavenger, just like his daughter!"

Roddy tried once more to plead his case for release. Surely such a finely dressed toad would help out a fellow gentleman. "Uh, excuse me. Actually, I'm the one that found your ruby. So, you, um... Perhaps you'd be generous enough to repay the favor and help me get home."

The Toad looked at the two nuisances in his life. "Dispose of them," he ordered, and turned away.

"No, no, no, please!" Roddy cried, pitifully. "I just want to get home to Kensington!"

Without realizing this, Roddy had said a magic word. The Toad's face lit up and he turned to look at the brown mouse. "Kensington? The Royal Borough? Up Top?" he asked.

"Uh, yes. Up Top."

"Huzzah! A man of quality!" The Toad cheered, smiling.

Roddy was relaxed. Finally, he had met someone who understood his breeding and social standing.

"Finally, somebody gets it."

"Come," beckoned the Toad. "Let me show you my private collection. I know you'll find it diverting."

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